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Ed Nygma [Cory Michael Smith // Gotham]

Unlocking the door to his homey apartment, Ed prepared himself for the sight of you trudging around the kitchen in knee high, rainbow coloured socks, and an overly large sweater. You had taken the day off sick, and refused to let him stay home with you. So he was ready to see you with your dripping red nose, tackling a bowl of healthy hot soup.

Instead, however, he got no greeting. Nobody called out a hello and you were not stood in his kitchen. Ed did hear the faint sound of the television though, so he dumped his things by the front door and went to investigate.


While he still got no greeting, Ed was completely satisfied by the sight he did get. You were sat on the floor, back leaned up against the front of an armchair. There was a box of tissues sat next to you, and an empty ice cream container next to them. You had clearly been so deeply immersed in whatever you were watching that you had fallen into a deep sleep, right there on the cold, hard floor.

Ed carefully stepped forward to get closer to you. He paused for a minute to see what you had been watching on the TV before you fell asleep. His eyebrows creased as he watched the two FBI agents inspect the body they had found; crime scenes didn't look like that in reality. He shook his head before crouching down and wrapping his arms around your sleeping figure. He hoisted you up gently and began the slow trek to the bedroom you shared with him.

Once he reached the bed, he placed you down on your side so you could get comfortable, and he pulled the covers up around your shoulders to keep you warm. Seeing you were settled, he went to leave for the bathroom so he could shower off his work smell, but your hand caught his wrist.

Ed snapped his head around to look at you, only to see you were still asleep. He smiled gently, knowing that he was about to engage in yet another sleep conversation with you.

"Mulder, wait," You grumbled in your sleep.

Ed chuckled, "I'm right here, Scully, what's the matter?"

"It could be suicide. His paranoia could have lead to the impulse to live out his self fulfilling prophecy," You mumbled, a yawn following shortly after.

Damn, even when you were fast asleep, some part of your unconscious mind was still watching that bloody show.

"I'm pretty sure it was murder, Scully. Not even this guy could cut off his own head, and leave that much blood on three different walls," Ed countered, relaying what he had just seen in the episode that was still playing.

You frowned in your sleep, "But the doors are locked from the inside. How do you explain that?"

"You of all people should know we don't need an explanation for everything."

"Hm," You sleep shrugged, "I suppose it's not completely outside the realm of possibility."

Ed leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight, Scully. I love you."

"Love you too, Mulder."

Ed smiled again as your hand released his wrist and you rolled over. He decided against showering after looking at the time, promising himself that he'd shower in the morning. Instead, he went back to the sitting room to turn off the TV before he joined you in bed.

He climbed into bed next to you, trying not to wake you from your slumber. Unfortunately, he failed, and you stirred.

Your eyes scrunched before reluctantly opening. "Ed? When did you get home? When did I go to bed? How much X-Files did I miss?" You questioned rapidly, never giving Ed time to answer.

"I got home about twenty minutes ago, which was when I put you to bed. And I wouldn't worry about your show, you were quoting episodes in your sleep."

"Don't I always do that?"

"Yes but these were quotes from episodes that were playing while you were sleeping," Ed grinned.

You pouted, "Sorry I keep you up with my constant sleep rambling."

"Nonsense," Ed sighed, "I just had the most delightful, yet slightly confusing, conversation with Dana Scully."

You laughed, "Were you Mulder again?"

"I'll have you know, I make quite a dashing Fox Mulder," Ed bragged playfully.

With a smile, your eyes closed once more, "I suppose it's not completely outside the realm of possibility."

He watched you fall asleep before he gave in to his exhaustion himself. Just before he was drowned in sleep, he muttered, "I love you more than anything, Scully."

Finally, the truth was out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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