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  "Here's our tickets?" Liz said as she handed them.

  "I don't want your tickets." He said.

   I grabbed my phone and he quickly took it.

  "You dropped your purse and it's in the lost and found." He said handing my phone back.

  I looked and my purse wasn't on my shoulder like it was two minutes ago.

  "Be quick wouldn't want to get stuck here when it closes."

  Liz and I ran to the lost and found and mysteriously found my purse there.

  A scream shook my spine, it came from the back room.

  The door was open a crack so I peeked in.

  The girl I saw on the Tower Of Terror was all tied up along with 5 other girls.

  "Omg Liz look." I whispered pulling her.

  "Run." She whispered.

  We bolted out of the lost and found and to the entrance but the gate was shut.

  "Not so fast." Someone said.

  I turned around and there stood the ticket taker.

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