Chapter 1-Being hired-Cassie's P.O.V-

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"So Ms.Lockwood I'm going to hire you. You seem like the type of person who takes their work serious. Am I wrong?"

"No, sir."

"That's good. You'll be sharing an office with our other intern Gunner. Here, let me show you to the office."

Matthias stood from his chair and headed towards the door and opened it for me after I stood up and headed out.

"Thank you."

He nodded to my words and past me while heading down the stairs. While following I meet one of the team edge members J-Fred.

"Is this the new intern?"

I nodded my head in response to his question.

"Pay no attention to Joey."

"Hey, all I did was ask a question."

"That was a stupid one."

I walked past them and let them settle their differences. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and gave a slight chuckle that was barely audible. I turned my attention to an office that had a handsome young man with tanned skin and jet black hair. I stepped closer to the office and knocked on the door.

"Sorry to bother you but, I'm looking for Gunner? Could you tell me where he might be at?"

The man turned his chair to face me and looked like he was from a movie. He had an amazing jaw line that stuck out and was not a bad thing. His brown eyes gazed into mine.

"Who wants to know?"

"I'm the new intern and I was told that I was going to be sharing an office with Gunner. Matthias and J-Fred are at each other. I think that they went up stairs and to their offices."

"Matthias will be back once he realizes that he was doing something. But, in the meantime I'll give you the tour the team edge space. If you want you can leave your bag here."

I nodded and walked past him and set my bag under the desk and pulled out my phone.

"It smells like vanilla in here. It's my favorite scent."

He turned to me and then stood up. I was crouched then stood up.

"It's my perfume."

He nodded in response and smiled at me. I blushed a little at his smile and then returned it.

~Two hours later~

Gunner had told me a funny story about Bryan and we had finished the tour of the warehouse then headed back inside the office area. Matthias opened the door and saw us.

"There you are. I so sorry about forgetting to show you to the office but, I see that you found the office and you met gunner."

I nodded at his statement and accepted his apology.

"Gunner was showing me the warehouse area and told me some funny things about Bryan."

Matthias nodded his head talked to Gunner about a new challenge idea. My phone began to ring and I stepped aside for a moment to take it.


*"*Hey, Cassie. It's Tyler.*"*

"Is everything alright at home? How's grandmama and papa?"

*"*That's why I called. Grandmama passed on last night and papa isn't  doing so great.*"*

My loud gasp I made had Matthias and Gunner turn their heads to me and gave me a concerned look from behind. I knew they were staring at me. I could feel their eyes looking at me. I covered my mouth to muffle the sound of me about to cry. I hung the phone up after saying a few more words to Tyler and turning to face them.

"Is everything alright Cas?" Gunner asked.

"Huh? Yeah everything is fine."

I put on a fake smile to make them think I was ok, but in the inside I was devastated at the death of my grandmama. I knew I need a few days off but I just started working here and I couldn't do that today. I walked into the office, closed the door and pulled out my iPad. I went onto a website that contained casket prices. I took a screenshot  of the perfect  casket for grandmama and sent it to tyler in an email. A few seconds later I got a response from him saying 'yeah that's a good one. Go ahead and order it.'

Gunner opened the door quietly without my knowledge and walked into the room and tapped my shoulder. I jumped a little and quickly locked my iPad so that he couldn't see what was on it. I turned my head to him and put my hand over my heart.

"You scared me. What's up?"

"Are you ok? You seem a"

"You've known your parents since you were born right?"


"I didn't. I was living with my brother, my grandmama and my papaw. Last night my grandmama passed on due to cancer. And my papaw isn't doing so well."

I was doing everything I could possibly do to keep myself from crying in front of Gunner.

"I can't ask for time because I just started working here and I don't Matthias thinking that I come to work one day and not the next."

"I'm sure that if you explain the situation to him he'll let you take as much time as you need to plan the funeral."

Gunner stood up and left the room closing the door behind him.

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