Chapter 18~ New Life Together~ Cassie's P.O.V~

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"Will you marry me?"

The question felt so simple. But, yet it was hard to answer. There was no way i could say no and break his heart. I thought about what my answer should be, then i responded,


Gunner smiled with excitement and took the ring out of the box and slid it on my ring finger. He stood up and placed a kiss on my lips. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. We closed our eyes and stood there together just embracing one another and feeling the night's breeze.

~At The Team Edge Space~

Everyone at the edge space as excited about the announcement i had made about my engagement. Amanda was jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face. She ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. I embraced her hug and returned it. Matt congratulated us and i asked if i could hold Luna and Matt nodded in response of yes. He handed me Luna, she wiggled around a bit but then settled down. She stared at me with intent to cry but didn't, instead she smiled and giggled at me. Everyone knew about me and what happened and why i had disappeared.

My black fuzzy ears popped out and Luna laughed with a small squeal. She was reaching her hand out to touch them. I felt her little hands on them. She wasn't pulling or tugging on them, she was petting them gently. Matt and Amanda looked at each other than at me. The others left the office area while the five of us remained in Matt's office.

"There's something we have to tell you, Cassie." Amanda spoke.

I turned my attention to Amanda and was a bit confused at to what they wanted to talk about. Matt told me that they met my parents when they came traveling through Los Angeles. They had left something for me when they traveled through. It was a journal type book that had a note attached to it. Amanda went over to Matt's desk and pulled it out of the drawer and handed it to me.

"Your mom want you to have this. She said that it will explain everything you need or want to know." Amanda spoke.

I took the book from her hand after handing Luna back to her. Gunner and i went back down to the office we shared when i first started working there. I sat down in a chair and took the note off the front of the journal and read it to myself.

'To my daughter,
I'm sorry we left the way we did. We had no choice but to flee. Your grandmother didn't think it was best for your father to be around you. My journal will explain more.

I opened the journal and began reading the first day."

Week 1-
I found out i was pregnant with another child. I hope this time it's a girl. My son Tyler will be able to be a big brother. I just can't let my husband find out that our daughter will be different then tyler. Otherwise he's going to get upset.

As i continued to read, the things she had in here were true, I couldn't be around people because of my nature. There was one part in here that was after i was born and it was a home birth, because of obvious reasons.

Week  42-
Casandra was born. I'm so excited. But i won't get to spend much time with her. The angels will be after her. I can't let them have her power, who knows what they'll do with or to her. My mother-in-law can keep her safe from my husband and the angels.

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