When They Don't Text Back

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Ugh. I hate you. Not the person that's reading this, no, no. The person I'm basing this on.

You know who you are

To describe the situation, I have made a short story. Enjoy

I was on the bus home. It was almost empty at this point. I casually bring my phone out of my pocket, a wave of boredom overcoming me. Hmm... who should I text? Ah, let's go with ____.


I place my phone back into my pocket as I reach my stop, internally praying that they'll text me back.


I text one of my other friends. She went to ____'s previous school and knows them pretty well.




'im @ club- _____'s hre 2'

'....oh really?'


'Can you remind them to text me back?'

'uh k'



I go to _____'s contact info and wait for them to text me.



It's the next day and I'm a bit annoyed at ______. I try to forget about how they blatantly ignored me. I see them walking down the corridor.

"______!" I call, smiling up at them. They freeze and turn to face me.

"Hi, Violet." They relaxed and, turning their body towards me, they return the smile.

"Why didn't you reply to my texts?" They move their hands awkwardly.

"Uh, I was asleep."

"Oh, okay! Sorry!" I walk away, a frown plastered onto my face. Asleep? As if.


I'm back on the bus and I decide to go with round 2. I text them.


I don't expect much to happen but I leave it.


It's 2am now. No reply. I lose all hope and turn my phone off so I can sleep. I doubt they'd be awake now anyway.


I see them again in the corridor. Waltzing up to them, I lightly touch their shoulder. They freeze up again. 'What's the excuse this time?' I think. They see my waiting expression and sigh.

"My phone's out of credit, I'm sorry!" I sigh internally.

"Ah, okay! That's fine!" I shuffle away.


I sit by the steps of the school, watching them. They're on their phone. That little-


Well, that was dramatic.

Soz for ranting but it's the worst feeling ever. If you have a phone, you know what I mean. I think the worst thing ever is when you're texting two people and one replies and the other doesn't and then the one who did says that the one who didn't is texting them. That's probably really complicated but if that's ever happened to you, you know how infuriating that gets.

k thx bai

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