Chapter 21

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Megan POV

      I was laying on the couch so tired, I haven't slept as much my teens are really over Keaton and I haven't been able to act like teenagers at all. "Okay Maddie is finally sleeping, took forever to put her down" Keaton said laying on top of me, "Your too heavy" I said, "You calling me fat" he said, "Yes" I said, I laughed, "I love you too" he said. I laughed again. We heard a knock on the door; we both groan we didn’t want to get up.

     "You get the door" I said, "You get the door" he says, "Your on top of me" I said, he looked at me and kissed me. He stood up going to the door. "Wow you guys are alive" I heard Robin, oh Robin I haven’t seen her for so long. I stood up going to hug her, "I have missed you" I said, she laughed, "How parenthood?" she ask, I let her go, "Its good right Keaton" I said, "Totally" he said, "Really?" she ask, "Yes" I said. Drew walked in, "Hey daddy, hi mommy" Drew said.

     "Tell me Meg, how is it really" she said, "Really it’s okay just no sleep cleaning and being a mom" I said, "Your tried I know you are" she said, "What are you guy doing here anyways?" Keaton ask, "We missed you guys, haven’t been answering our calls" Drew said, "And we wanted to see the twins" she said, "Well we have been busy really busy" Keaton said, "We figured, we didn’t want to bug you guys so much" she said, "It would have been nice to have you guys drop by" I said, "Have you guys even left this apartment?" Drew ask, "No we haven’t at all" Keaton said, "We need to anyways were running low on food for us and them" I said.

   "You guys should go out and get some food then" she said, "Um I can go real fast" Keaton said, "Or you both can go, Drew and I can babysit" she said, "Oh no its okay" I said, "You guys don’t have to" Keaton said.

    "Alright guys Drew and I really came over here to give you guys a break, we know you guys have been working so hard lately taking care of the twins" she said, "You guys are tired, that’s why you two are going to stay at our place to spend some time together, while we babysit" Drew said, "Guys I don’t know, we haven’t left them before" I said, "Meg you can trust us" she said, it was really nice of them to watch the twins, yes I am tired and all but I'm not sure if I can leave them just yet.

   "You have nothing to worry, we will take good care of them" Drew said, "Come on Megan maybe it would be nice for us to get out for a bit" Keaton said, maybe we should get out for a bit, I mean when Keaton goes back to the studio it’s going to be busy, maybe we should get this chance to go out and have fun.

    "Okay guys thank you" I said, "Good, we wouldn’t have taken no for an answer" she said, we laughed, "Keats go show Drew where all the stuff at" I said, they walked away.

   "Thank you so much Robin really" I said, "Hey I meant what I said before here to help when every you needed me, and I know you need me right now" she said, I have such good friends to help out.

   "If you have any trouble just call right away" I said, "Megan everything will be okay and yes we will call, and don’t worry I've taken care of the kids at the day care before at the hotel" she said, "My new job" I said, "When are you going to start working there?" she ask, "Um when Keaton goes back to the studio, I’m going stay a bit more longer with them till I can figure out who can watch them" I said.

   "You know you can take the twins there right" she said, "I know, I know but I just don’t know if that’s a good idea" I said, "Of course it is, and gives you more time to be with the twins" she said, "Yeah your right" she said, Drew walked out with Hunter.

  "Okay guys just seriously call us if anything happens" I said, "Robin kick them out now" Drew said, "Go leave now" she said pushing us out the door.

     Keaton and I looked at each other, he grab my hand. "Don’t worry too much, they can handle this" Keaton said, "They are right we do need a break" I said, we walked over to the car and he drove off to the beach.

  We went on the beach sitting on the sand; he was sitting behind me holding me tight in his arms.

    "This is nice, relaxing on the beach" he said, "I know feels good to have a break, but to be honest, I miss those two so much" I said, "Me too, I've missed Robin and Drew" he said, I hit his arms "Not those two you dummy" I said, he laughed.

   "I know, I know I miss Maddie and Hunter also" he said, "Maybe we should call them to check up on things" I said, "No they are okay I know they are" he said, "It’s just so weird how we are parents you know everything seems so different" I said.

     "It’s a good different right" he said, "Of course it is" I said.

    "I really like this, this little family we have" he said, "How is it going to be like when you go back to the studio" I said, "Nothing different everything going to be the same" he said, "But what about you going back on tour" I said, "Stop worrying about this right now, if I go back on tour we can work something out" he said.

   "Your right let’s just not worry about anything right now, let’s be teens again" I said, I stood up, I pulled him up. "Teens for a day lets enjoy this” he said. Keaton called Tyler to meet up with us at Robin place. We got there; I was sitting on couch, while Keaton was setting up a video game.

    “Hey guys” Tyler said walking in, “Sup up man” Keaton said, “Hey” I said standing up hugging him,  “How have you guys been?” Tyler ask,  “So tired” I said, “I figured how are the little ones” he said, “They are good, they don’t cry as much I thought they would” I said, “So you guys getting the hang of it?” he ask, “Yeah we are, we pretty much have it down” I said.

     Keaton came over on the couch, Tyler sat next to him, they were playing video games, “This feels so good playing again” Keaton said, “You missed getting your ass kicked” Tyler said, “No way dude” Keaton said. “I’m going to go in Robin and sleep, I’m pretty tired” I said, “Okay babe” Keaton said. “Okay yeah” I said.

    I walked into the room, shutting the door I know Keaton has missed hanging out with Tyler and being a teenager, so I just said I was going to come in here and sleep just so he can have some time hanging out with his friend. I got my phone out looking at my pictures of Maddie and Hunter I miss those two so much. I was calling Robin I needed to check in on them. “Hello Megan the person who shouldn’t be calling me” Robin said, I laughed. “How are my babies?” I ask, “They are good” she said, “No troubles?” I ask, “No they are such angels, Drew having the time of his life with them” she said, “Awh so sweet, I just wanted to check in” I said, “I knew you would call, they are good, we are doing fine” she said.

  “Thank you so much, Keaton and I will be back later tonight” I said, “Take all the time you need, just don’t be using my bed for any sex” she said, I laughed, yeah no that’s not happening for a while long time. “No, no, trust me that’s not happening, beside he more into his video games and Tyler right now” I said, she laughed. “Did I say Tyler could come over?” she joked. “Hey blame Keats not me” I said.

     “I will deal with him when you come back” she said, we laughed, “Alright, take good care of my babies, see you later tonight” I said, “Yeah, yeah I will, bye” she said, I hung up. I went on the bed, I was so tired but all I could think about it was the twins, I missed a lot I seriously just wanted to go home and hug and just hold them. I know I’ve been wanting a little break but now that I have it I don’t want it, I like being a mom yes it is very hard but I miss my babies so much, and I can’t wait any longer to see them.




 Chapter 21(: So sorry my updates have been late, its been crazy lately but since its late I decided to double update, this chapter and chapter 22!! So go read that one also(: But dont forget to vote for this chapter as well! Thanks guys

Baby I got you-Sequel To: You got my heart-Keaton Stromberg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now