Deshae Frost Imagine: Step Lover

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I apologize for spelling errors in advance

Your P.O.V
Today was the day I finally met my new step brother I had no clue as to who he was,what he looked like,my  mom had met him plenty  of times his dad had always came around but his son didn't ,I really didn't care as long as my mom was sure about him that was all that matters.

I had met my soon to be dad I knew him well he was a great guy named Tyler I was happy my mom picked him. They had known each other for 8 years and had dated for 4 and he finally proposed .

I went upstairs to my room and called my boyfriend Deshae I laid on my stomach with my feet off the bed and dialed his number smiling as I put it to my ear.

"Hello" I heard his voice it gave me butterflies.

"Hey baby" I smiled

"Oh hey Y/n" he chuckled

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing much ,I'm meeting my dads new girl today I've never met her" he said.

"Oh,well do you know if sh has any kids?" I asked him

"Two sons one my age and the other is 14" he said .

"You know my mom is letting meet her future husband today I'm nervous cause he has a son I've never met,what if I don't like him?" I said to Deshae.

"Well....siblings never really like each other so it'll be like a normal family already" he joked.

"Har har har very funny" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Aye but I gotta go baby we pulling up to her house it looks familiar I can't remember who's house it looks like though" he says.

"Ok bye love you" I said.

"Love you more bye" he said and I hung up.

"Y/N! come down stairs its time to meet your future brother" my mom said. Part of me was nervous but excited too I ran down the stairs and stood at the door.

"You ready?" My mom said rubbing my hair.

"Yes" I breathed.


Tyler came threw the door my mom had gave him a key.

"HEYO!" He said making me laugh I ran to hug him "hi Tyler" I said.

"Hey Princess" he said kissing my for head.

He went over to hug and kiss my mom "well ....where is he?" I asked.

They both turned around "oh yes" Tyler said "SON COME IN!" he yelled I was still facing them "Y/n I'd like you meet my son Deshae" my heart rate sped up.

No ,no no it -it can't be MY Deshae but let's be honest how many Deshae's are there? Not many.

I turned around.....oh my god MY STEP BROTHER IS MY BOYFRIEND?!

We both looked shocked


"Y/n?!" We both said at the same time.

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