Short King Miller Imagine:Nothing we can't handle

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I apologize for spelling errors in Advance

You had cried and cried constantly today because of bullies on social media and it was too much,nobody deserved hate NO MATTER WHAT you loved King,King Miller he was your boyfriend and was famous and everyone was assuming you wanted his money ...typical people

You were sitting on your front step waiting for king to come so you could give him the news that you wanted to break up.

You fiddled with your fingers looking down at your shoes.

"Y/n?" You looked up and you seen the light of your life worried and concerned, probably because you didn't sound happy or full of life over the phone.

"Hey" you said softly with a small smile.

"What's wrong. Are you ok?' King asked still standing in front of you.

"Oh yeah yeah I'm fine I just.....I just wanted to see you" you said looking back down.

"You said you had something to tell me" He said sitting down next to you moving you closer to him kissing your temple.

You looked at him "You know I love you with everything in me right?" You asked looking at him.

"I love you as much as I love anything else and maybe even more" he smiled making you do the same.

You sighed looking away "which is why....we need to breakup" you said .

"Wait what?" He said "you just said you love me with everything in you... But you wanna break up?" He asked.

"Yes" you simply said.

"That's it?" He asked you nodded "there is nothing more too it....nothing at all?" He said king knew you like the back of his hand he knew everything you did had a reason behind it.

You shook your head no "look me in the eyes and tell me that" he said.

"you know I can't" you signed "and why is that?" He replied. "Because you know there is more to it" you said looking at him "So what's the full reason Y/n?" he asked.

"Because of bullies who think I want you for your money, I don't deserve hate,no one does,just because your famous and I'm dating you doesn't mean I deserve it,even though I expect it that doesn't mean I want it especially when the allegations are completely wrong" you explained.

"If there completely wrong then don't listen,I know,you know,my family knows that you are here to be with me and only me,you knew who I was from the beginning and nothing changed you stayed the same,the only change I see is now,you wanna give up all of this ,the fun and playing and adventure because of stupid computer thugs" he said slightly angry.

You sighed. "Y/n they can't throw anything at us that we can't handle, there is nothing we can't hand as long as we handle it together" he said looking deep in your eyes you knew he was right.

"Don't let them win" he said.

You looked at him you couldn't leave now especially while it was this good.

"Your right,why give them what they want and lose what I want I'm stronger than them" you said.

"So forget about them" he smiled.

And you nodded leaning into his arms and laying your head on his chest you were content.

"Forget about them" you repeated his words.

Never let a single soul ruin your happiness. 

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