10. The Lab

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Samantha Eden

I finally get the girls to actual give a shit about orientation week, registering for classes is so stressful. We all want to have the same classes but no matter how hard we try, someone is always out. Nicole and I do the rearranging and after two hours of trying for us all to have the same timetable. The first week is so boring, just lecturers shouting at us telling us what to not do in their classes and how hard this is going to be. Hearing them talking about the work load has me ready to drop out. We sit in the front out most of our classes in a square, we usually have eyes on us but I ignore them Denise and Nicole enjoy the attention and Ayesha's is too busy ignoring Tre's messages. It is two weeks into school and now the real work begins. Today, Tuesday morning we have two labs, Biology in the morning and Chemistry in the evening, Denise and I make our way to the lab in our white lab coats to find Ayesha and Nicole holding seats for us. I am really pumped for this lab, Maybe we'll get to dissect some specimens. I can't be more wrong, we have to measure beans. Fun.

After what seems to be an eternity we finish the lab,

"That was so frigging boring" I say as I push open the door to the outside,

"Ort then, like what was the point of measuring all them damn beans!" Nicole continues and we nod in agreement,

"Wanna hush and come long nuh, we going for Chutney's", Denise couldn't suggest a better idea, bless her soul.

We pile in and she drives us to The Walk, a shopping mall in Welches, I really need a chicken and potato roti, with Dhal Puri skin, plantain and tamarind sauce, it is my go to and it's perfect.

After we get our orders we sit at a square table each of us on a side. Ayesha's phone vibrates on the table and we all look down at it, this is probably the fiftieth time he has called for the day. We sitting watching it ring,

"You want me answer tha?" Nicole offers wiping her hand from her roti, but he hangs before she gets the chance to. Our conversation continues before he calls again,

"If you don't answer the damn phone I will" Denise hisses in frustration,

"Should I?" she asks looking at us for answers, Nicole and Denise nod,

"I wouldn't" I respond, but who am I to ask, I hate males.

"Fine" she says before taking up the phone, "What?" she answers,

"Come on baby, just listen" her phone is loud enough for us to hear him,

"No, I ask and you answer. Who is she?"

"She's a friend"

"Tre don't give me that bullshit, if she is a friend why you looked so guilty" she says frowning,

"I was just shocked to see you that's all"

"Liar. You were shocked to see that I caught your ass. Now stop calling my blasted phone" she hangs up and looks confident, she smiles at us before continuing her food.

"We should head back or we gine be late" Denise says, getting up to leave.


Troy Stevens

The weeks are going faster than I expect, I am getting better at this new lifestyle. Being around Barbadians brings back so many memories, even my slight British accent is gone. My classes are going great, mainly because the work is so easy and the labs are fun. I walk to the admissions office to get my Chemistry lab day changed from Wednesday to Tuesday. Wednesdays I only have one class so why would I wait from 10 am to 2 pm for a class. I just hope there is room in the class for one more.


Samantha Eden

We make it back to school just in time, the doors of the laboratory burst open and two lab technicians stand at the door, mainly to inspect if we are appropriately dressed in goggles and lab coats. Denise is too busy to notice them since she is talking to a light skin guy, he is her type, tall and breathing. Once he fit those requirements he has Denise written all over him. A robust man sits at the lectures desk in the middle of the lab, he looks friendly but stern.

"Everyone gather around!" he shouts bringing the class to stand in front of him. He introduces himself and gives a summary of what we are doing today. A titration. I got this, I think happily confident I can do this with ease. He begins taking register, listing off the names in alphabetical order,

"Denise Richards?" She does not answer, as she giggles with the guy, the three of us look her, Denise clearly lacks the sixth sense to notice when eyes are on her, the lecturer peers over his glasses at her, she finally notices and her hand shoots up,


He shakes his head and resumes, "Troy Stevens?" The class looks around, Troy, the first time I think of him since the flight, maybe it's a different Troy, not my Troy, I mean Troy from the plane, I continue to look around at the faces amongst us,

"Who yuh looking for?" Denise whispers playfully,

"You int busy with your lil friend over there?" I respond getting a laugh from her,

"Sure you not looking for someone tall with locs?"


"Righttttttt" I roll my eyes, he is probably back in Manchester by now.

"Well since there is an odd number fifteen groups of two and one group of one" Dr. Gibbon says, luckily for me I have a designated partner, I look around for Denise but the heifer ditch me to work with pretty boy. Great. UGH!


Troy Stevens

I am running to class since I couldn't find where the lab was, I get to the door to find 2 girls in lab attire at the door, they both had thick shapes, and I can't help but look, I smile at them, one smirks but the other looks at me plainly,

"Lab coat and goggles must be worn when entering the lab" the latter says. I drag my coat on before they let me pass, following me,

"Well you're going to have to work by yourself" the lecturer says,

"She doesn't have to we got one more" the lab tech who smiled at me before says,

"Great. I assume you're Troy"


Samantha Eden

I can't believe my eyes, he is here, standing right in front of me. His hair is pulled back in a low ponytail and his body clad with his lab coat, the arms hug his biceps tightly, I don't mind because he looks so damn fine.

"You'll be working with Samantha" Dr. Gibbon says, I assume he points at me because his eyes lock on mine and that familiar smile tugs on the corners of his lips.

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