37. The Dawn

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Troy Stevens

I return home after the doctor cleared me, I couldn't see my grandfather just as yet, he was recovering and my mother didn't think I would want to see him in the state he was in. I go over to Samantha's house and knock on the door. My sense of time is failing me because Samantha's father answers the door in a boxer rubbing his eyes,

"Do you know what time it is?" he asks and I awkwardly stand before him, he glances over to the clock in the kitchen, "It's 5 am" he groans,

"Sorry I didn't realize" I say turning to go back home,

"Wait" his voice sounds and I walk back to the door, "How is your grandfather?",

"He's recovering, my mother dropped me off and went back to the hospital" he sighs gesturing for me to come in.

"I'll see if Sam is up, but once she hears you're here she'll be happy" he says going towards her room. I look around the house and take a seat in the living room. There are pictures of Samantha and her mother all over. The one picture which catches my eye is a picture of Samatha, she looks about 5 in the shot and she is standing next to a little boy who is giving her a flower, in an instance, I recognize the boy and a smile crosses my face.

"I always wondered who he was" I hear and I look to her shorter body next to me,

"I guess it was meant to be" I reply and she smiles before it gradually turns into a yawn, "I'm sorry",

"It's ok. I didn't get much sleep since I was worrying" she says and I get an eyeful of her body as she walks over to the couch dragging a blanket behind her. She is wearing short blue pants with a white tank. When she turns around to take a seat I notice her nipples printing through the light material.

Samantha Eden

I watch his eye drift down slightly, his eyes dart from my chest and I giggle at him,

"I swear you can't be subtle" I say shaking my head,

"Who said I was trying to be subtle?" he shrugs walking towards me, sitting next to me. He gets comfortable resting his hand on the back of the chair and I lie on his body covering us with the blanket. I am engulfed by him as he holds me close to his body.

This is what I missed, being away from him was one of the hardest things I've done in a while but I did get to build a relationship with my father which was great.

"Sam" he whispers and I can hear in his voice he's sleepy, I look up at him his head is leaned back over the side of the chair arm,


"You think he's going to make it?" his voice is shaky, "Do you think he could pull through?" he continues,

"Of course I think he can" his breathing is shaky and his heart rate quickens,

"Don't just say that because you think its what you should say. Do you really think he can?" he asks, and I remain quiet. I hear him crying and all I can do his hold him. I know Troy has a fear of losing people and now that I'm thinking about it not hearing from me probably did more damage than I expected.

I let him cry quietly but I can tell he's holding it in. I climb up his body to find streaks of tears down his face in the dawn of the day. He looks at me then looks away,

"Troy, I didn't say that because I think that's what you want to hear, I said that because I believe he is going to be good. I would never just say something to please you, just have faith" I say to him and he sighs,

"I just don't want to lose anyone else" he confesses and his eyes meet mine,

"I know but don't you believe he's going to be alright?" he nods and I smile at him.

Troy Stevens

I hold her tightly as I return to normal, we don't get any sleep but my happy to be with her again. Her parents come out of their bedroom and she pulls away from me. Her mother gives us a sly look but her father jumps in,

"Ham cutters anyone?" he asks,

"With cheese?" Sam adds,

"No better way" they share a laugh but her mother still watches me. I haven't really interacted with her since the plane which is a really long time ago. I can imagine she doesn't like me but its Christmas how could she still hate me at such a joyous time.

Everyone helps in making breakfast. I chop onions at the counter and she butters bread next to me,

"Whats wrong?" she asks sensing my mood,

"Your mother" I say and before I can finish my sentence she whips her head around to look at her mother who is giving me that same look,

"Ignore her" she replies going back to her bread but I can feel her stare at the back of my neck.

Breakfast is quiet, the only sounds are the sounds of forks hitting plates. I feel like it is my fault that the room is so tense,

"Troy, how's the hand?" her father asks from across from me,

"It's still hurting but it should be fine" the robust man nods eating,

"And you couldn't sleep at your own house?" he mother asks without looking up from her plate, they both look at her with shock on their faces,

"He didn't sleep here" Samantha defends me,

"You don't have to defend me, Sam, I'm sorry for coming to your house so early, it wouldn't happen again and as she said I didn't sleep here but thank you for breakfast" I say politely standing. She doesn't like me already so responding aggressively wouldn't help at all.

"Troy wait" Samantha says following me,

"Thank you for the hospitality. Have a good day" I say going through the door. Having a grudge is what caused my family so many problems, it caused so much pain, and I don't want our relationship to be in jeopardy because of the impression I left on her mother. She might not like me but I will try to make it better.

It will get better. I think while beginning to walk back to my house. 

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