Pt. 1

63 4 2

Your smile was ravishing, love.

The way the corner of your mouth curled upward slightly gave me a high,

And how you rubbed your neck

Or studied your feet

Insecure and innocent.

And in your eyes was something fearful,

Memories under emotion.

But your smile was beautiful

And anyone around you noticed it

And it made them happy with you.

love is like a rat, hate by most.

Distance is a snake, feared by most.

And what happens when a snake collides with a rat?

It devours it whole.

your smile is missing, love.

The way your lips curled downward slightly gave me a plague,

How you rubbed your stomach,

Or bit your cheek

Insecure and innocent

And in your eyes is something dangerous,

Nothing. Your eyes look dull and hard to read


Except for a silver tear that occasionally stings the corner of your eye.

And your smile is pleasant memory

Anyone around you notices the soft lines from past joy

Anyone around you notices the lips that never curl upwards

Or the eyes that don't speak and don't sparkle

And it makes them angry with you.

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