
28 3 0

Jordan Prov

I was reliving the it over and over again i couldn't stop reliving it the moment we made love them moment i made love to my mates the moment we became one and i loved in know they probable feel everything i feel right now the love the lust the adoration i loved it i cant help but to keep reliving it the passion the love we shared was the best thing i ever experienced it was everything I could ask for



Athina- Jordan I agree young child it was the best love I have ever made it was so sensual yet addicting and I too loved it

Jordan- I don't know why u insist on calling me young one we are the same age Athina

Athina- yeah but I'm more mature

Jordan- not fair I'm maturing too

Ash- Ohh hush you too damn don't you see I'm trying to get some sleep

Jordan- where have y'all been lul lazy asses   

Ash- who you calling lazy

Jordan- you who else

Crystal-shut the hell up would you please damn

Elliot- for real before I beat the shit out of all

Jordan goddess side was mad as hell so she came out and took over and started cussing people out and she was not holding shit back from nobody Elliot and everybody else was mad because of them being gods and goddess they have very short tempers  

Jordan- Who they do you think you're talking to mouthafucka huh

Elliot- I'm talking to you dumb ass

crystal- shut the fuck up before I drown both of you

Jordan&Elliot- who the hell you fucking talking too

Ash- she was talking to you dummies

Jordan- I bet ain't non of y'all gon me cas me outside how bout dat

veronica- ima beat the shit out of all yall

 sorry its so short vote comment ill be writing more often

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