Chapter 1

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"Ahhhhh, nothing better then moving schools in the middle of the year." I said sarcastically to my mom.

I put my headphones in & tunred up my music loud enough so I couldn't hear my mom. I hated moving. I hate moving schools. I just hate everything right now. It's all my moms fault. If she would've just listened o my dad, MAYBE they might've been together still, but she doesn't ever listen. She lives in this utopia where everything she says, it right & no one else opinion matters.

"Stop your bull, & suck it up. You're 17. You'll be 18 in a few months & after that, you can do whatever you want. Now get out & help me unpack." my mom said to me, slamming the door.

It's hard to believe that we're mother & daughter sometimes. For raising a 17 year old, she looks good. Shes pretty slender, kind of fit. She has a few tattoos, not many. Her light brown hair comes down a little past her shoulders, & it mad pretty wavy as well. She has dark freckles, not too dark, & realy beautiful hazel eyes. Lord, she can be a bitch though. Don't get me wrong, my mom is pretty annoying, but I do love her. She just doesn't listen, to anyone.

The only thing that's different of us, is our skin complexion*. She's white, but she has some kind of sun tan to her. Me, on the other hand, I'm light skinned. My eyes are kind of the same as hers, along with freckles myself. My hair is brunette with a tint of red in it & it comes down to my upper middle back. Along with my height, I'm pretty average. So, I guess you can say I'm pretty tall.

"Addrainne, come help me, now." she said stern.

I rolled my eyes, & got out of the car. I closed the door kind of hard, not really trying to.

"Addrainne Hope. Fix your fucking attitude, or I can fix it for you." she said getting into my face.

"Okay mom. I guess." I said grabbing the last few boxes & taking it into the house.

I went upstairs to where my room was. I started putting away my stuff. Unpacking was very difficult for me. Mainly because I have alot of little, memorable stuff. Wasn't myself. Sometimes, I considered going on that hoarding show.

"Momma, have you seen my hookahs ?" I asked my mom going downstairs.

"I think I saw them inn the back of the car, go run out & get em." she said handing me the keys.

I grabbed the keys & went to the car. I was almost the car when someone, who was running, bumped into me. Uh wow, seriously ??

"Hey watch it du-" I was cut off by his figure.

He had to be at least 6'3", with deep green eyes. He was wearing a white tank top that made his muscles stand out.

Is this real, or nah ?!

"Oh, I'm sorry. i didn't see you there," he said kind of quiet, "you new around here ?"

"Yeah ! How'd you know ?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You have a Reno liscense plate .." he said smiling.

His smile was beyond amazing. Something about him wasn't right, I felt it.

"My names Addrainne," I said holding my hand out, "& yours ?" I asked smiling

"Nice smile, & my names Sean" he said, gripping my hand for a while.

I released his hand & rubbed the back of my head, my cheeks were getting red, I could feel it.

"Addrianne, your fathers on the .. Well hello there !" my mom said coming out.

I looked at Sean & got even more red. Woman, be gone !

"I didn't know you had a friend out here, what's your name ?" my mom asked shaking his hand.

"Ah, Sean." Sean said, shaking my moms hand back.

"Nice to meet you Sean, I'm Addriannes' mother, Niki," she said shaking his hand, all smiles & all, "well, I'll let y'all continue talking." & with that, she went back into the house.

"Your moms pretty." Sean said, popping his knuckles.

"Uh, thank you ? I think." I said rubbing my arm. Weirdo.

"Well, Addrianne, I better get going. I'll let y'all finish up unpacking. I'll see ya around." Sean said, with his arms out.

I looked at him confused. Am I gonna hug him ? He was kinda sweaty, but he was hot. Decsions.

"What ..?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I was being polite, but I guess its not your thing." he said. He put his headphones in & he sprinted off.

Way to go A.d, way to go.

I just remembered why i was outside, & I proceed to the car to get my hookahs. I came back in the house, & my mom stared at me.

"Yes madre ?" I asked.

"Te puedo decir que le gusta, Addrianne" she said. (I can tell you like him Addrianne.)

She walked up to me & put her hands on my face & kissed my forehead.

"Mom, I'm not ready for another relationship. After what happened with Noah, I honestly don't want a boyfriend. Not even a friend with benefits." I said kind of hurt.

My ex Noah really hurt me bad. I thought he could've been the one for me. The one I could've spent the rest of my life with but, I thought wrong. He was just scum; scum from the bottom of your shoe. I'll never forget the words he told me: "I'll never leave, or hurt you baby. I love you forever & ever." Those words were bullshit. After him, I haven't dated or hooked up since. I actually took into doing drugs & skipping school to kill depression, but I got worse. I was sober for about 3 months, until I seen him at a party & we hooked up. When I say hook up, I mean we hooked up. Oh how lost we lost our minds, when we fell in love that night. Nothing but drugs & sex. I wish I could take it all back. Everything back.

"Baby, I don't want you to be single forever. Eventually I'm gonna want some grandbabies !" she said with a chuckle.

"I know mom, but I just don't know. All I do know, is tha, this is a new start for me, for you. For us, & I want to make this a good one." I said as I walked over to coffee table & set one of the hookahs down on it.

"You're starting school Tuesday. So we might as well go shopping now." she said going to grab her purse.

She went for the car keys, when I snatched them up before she could.

"I drive." I said with a grin.

"You little shit, get in the car."

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