Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Arabelle. Daughter of Apollo. Well probably disowned daughter of Apollo." I replied.

"What do you mean probably disowned?" He asked confused. I sighed and sat back down against the same tree as before, as far away from him as possible. Why am I even bothering with this?

"I'm going to start from when I turned six." I said and he nodded, his sword turning into a skull ring so I continued. "When I was six I arrived at camp and a few days later I was claimed as a daughter of Apollo. I didn't really socialise with anyone other than a couple of my half brothers and sisters so to be honest I wasn't very well known at all. A few weeks after I was claimed I got sent on a quest with Abby a daughter of Aphrodite and Hannah a daughter of Athena, a pair of best friends. I didn't really talk to them at first but during a five year quest things change. Anyway... Wait what date is it?" I asked suddenly realising I didn't in fact know the date.

"The 19th." He replied.

"Ok. Five days ago Abby and Hannah were killed in a monster attack in the middle of a woods. After killing the last of the monsters I broke down but eventually carried on through the woods after it got dark. The worst decision I have ever made." I continued but found myself stopping, venom pooling into my eyes like tears that can never fall. I lapsed into silence reluctant to continue. He would think of me as a monster if I continued and why this bothered me so much I don't know, but it did.

"Why?" He asked me and I gathered from his short sentences that he wasn't exactly a sociable person. An outsider. I sighed trying to gather up the courage to continue until I eventually opened my mouth.

"It was probably deep into the forest and definitely late at night when I first heard a twig snap. After a few seconds another, but when nothing happened I thought it must have been my imagination scaring me but then when I turned he was suddenly in front of me. Red eyes almost glowing in the darkness. 'You smell so sweet.' He said and that was the first sign to me that he wasn't exactly normal. Well other than the blood red eyes. Of course after I knew what he was I tried to run not that I could ever have outrun of fight him. Then there was a stinging sensation and then pain. Imagine your body being set on fire while your alive with no way of dying and hundreds of pins being pricked into you at the same time. That was a fraction of the pain I was going through. Anyway five days later I woke in different clothes and in an expensively decorated house. Immediately I left the house after studying my expression and found myself in a busy town. I was surprised to find that what should have appealed to me smelt horrible and I panicked ending up here. Then you suddenly arrived critically injured." I said losing myself in telling the story only snapping out of the sort of daze I was in when I finished. He frowned in confusion.

"I don't understand." He replied I sighed slightly not wanting to say it out loud. Not wanting to truly admit I was a vampire.

"Think about it." I told him and began to fiddle with my ring again. He remained silent deep in thought and probably replaying parts of the conversation in his head. I watched him as he did in a non stalkerish way though. He had dark and slightly messy hair which was almost black and would be mistaken as black if not for my eyesight. He was wearing dark jeans, combat boots and a dark aviator jacket. I couldn't really tell much else from here even with my eyesight and I doubt he could really see anything about me in the faint days of moonlight.

Suddenly he stiffened and his eyes went wide in shock and perhaps even fear. "Vampire." He muttered under his breath, his hand fiddling with the skull ring on his finger even though he must know it wouldn't do anything. The sword that is.

"Yes." I replied still fiddling with my own ring out of habit more than anything. He seemed to be trying not to show that he was scared but it was crystal clear in his body language. The way he was tense and fiddling with the skull ring which of course turned into a sword. Stygian iron sword. "I'm not going to kill you." I said and paused. "However I really need to leave before I do kill you. Unlike anyone else's your blood is driving me insane with thirst." I continued stress audible in my voice and I stood up again picking up my rucksack as I did.

Without bothering to so much as saying 'bye' I started walking away without looking back. It was now slightly darker and I would hear a faint howling of wolves (or hellhounds) in the distance. For some reason it physically hurt to walk away. Why? I yet again have no clue.

I faintly sighed in annoyance. I can't exactly leave him in the middle of the forest which for all I know could be filled with monsters waiting for a Demi-god. Slightly reluctantly I headed back to find the boy basically in the same position as when I had left but he was now looking around as if for a way put. "Come on, I'll show you the way out." I sighed causing him to jump slightly having not heard me return. He paused for a second before nodding and heading over to me.

Briefly I smelt the air and regretted it immediately. The burning sensation now returned worse than ever but at least now I knew the direction I needed to head in to get the boy back to the town. We walked in silence, occasionally my head would snap towards one direction catching a strange scent of noise which never got any closer so I wasn't to worried about it. The silence was rather awkward yet comfortable at the same time which confused me but I was too busy focusing on anything but his blood to really notice. After almost twenty minutes we broke through the trees and into the very outskirts of the city I woke up in. "You should be ok from here but don't let your guard down, monsters have been grouping together too much lately. Too much for comfort." I said stopping walking and muttering the last part to myself.

"Where are you going?" The boy asked me. Now that I think about it I don't know anything about him.

"To try and find answers about why human blood smells disgusting to me apart from yours. The only way I can find those answers is to find more vampires, as much as I don't exactly want to." I replied shifting my rucksack slightly on my back.

"I can help you." He started and I gave him a confused look. Why would anyone want to help a vampire. Especially one who wants their blood. "I owe you my life and I don't like that, so if I help you we're even." He finished and I sighed again. I seem to be doing a lot of that today.

"You want to help a disowned vampire Demi-god newborn?" I asked in disbelief.

"Like I said. I owe you my life and I don't like owing people, it leaves them with a sort of hold over you." He tried to explain. I could confidently say I don't really understand this Demi-god.

"If you really want to." I said and he nodded. I could tell he wasn't going to back down. Seems I'm stuck with a stubborn Demi-god for now. "Let's go searching for vampires then." I agreed very unenthusiastically.

"Never thought I would hear that sentence." The boy muttered to himself and I yet again remembered something.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Nico. Nico di Angelo. Son of Hades."

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