Chapter 2

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Photo is Arabelle

Chapter 2

My whole body felt like it was on fire, wait scratch that it was on fire while being stabbed with thousands of needles and being scratched with razor sharp nails all at once with no pain relief. I wanted to scream. Scream for someone to kill me and take away the pain but I couldn't. My limbs refused to move, refused to even so much as twitch.

After what seemed like more than years the unimaginable pain ever so slowly began to fade from the very tips of my toes and fingers before gradually working its way around my body. The pain seemed to be growing in my heart rapidly as it faded from the rest of my body. It eventually faded from the rest of my body completely and my heart beat rapidly increased and the pain tripled in my heart which felt like it was about to burst out of my chest.

If possible my heart rate seemed to pick up even more as if it was battling for survival until simultaneously my heart stopped and eyes flashed open. Surprisingly the first thing I noticed was that my (clothes) had changed just from the feeling of the fabric on my body. The second thing was that everything was different. I could see every single dust particle in the air and everything seemed so much clearer. I was no longer in the woods, instead I was in an obviously well decorated (room). Slowly, I sat up and looked around noticing a mirror in the far corner of the room placed directly so it wasn't facing me, or so it seemed.

I stood up and headed towards the mirror but got there sooner than I should off. Probably just got lost in thought while walking. I turned the mirror so it was facing me and gasped in shock and also horror. My eyes were blood red. Blood red just like a vampires. He turned me. That stupid vampire turned me into a vampire.

After a minute of shouting curses at him in my head I focused on the rest of my reflection. My face seemed perfectly flawless and my natural brown hair with purplish tips looked perfectly brushed unlike the usual mess it should be. My curves stood out more and my red eyes actually had silver flecks in them which was all that was remaining of my (previous eye colour). My lips were slightly bigger than before making them look more natural and were now a glossy rosy pink colour. Over all I looked pretty now compared to before and even I couldn't deny it. My skin was incredibly pale unlike before when I had a slight tan, my eyelashes were longer and brought out my eyes along with my slightly darker perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Once I finished looking at myself I finally noticed the agonising burning in my throat which I could tell was for blood. After all I was turned into a vampire. Throwing a glance around the room I spotted a grey door in the far corner and headed towards it. Cautiously I opened the door and headed down the set of (stairs) which were behind it. Due to being a vampire I could no longer hear my light tread against each wooden step, nor could I hear my usual breathing since I no longer needed to breathe like I did when I was still a Demi-god. Damn vampire.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I spotted a large oak door out of the corner of my eye and headed towards it. I only had to push on it ever so gently for it to swing open and reveal the outside world. I was obviously now in the middle of a city based on the amount of people and shop around me even though it was night.

Cautiously, I allowed myself to breathe in against my better judgement and wrinkled my nose in disgust. Faintly I could smell car fumes, rubbish and all sorts of horrible smells from towns but the more prominent odour confused me. The scent of human blood. I could smell it but it repulsed me. There was no way I could describe the scent other than disgusting and definitely not something I want to drink at all.

That stressed me out more than it should have as I headed further away from the centre of the town. If I'm repulsed by human blood and I'm a vampire what in the name of Hades am I meant to do? To drink?

Lost in thought I barely realised when I reached a huge forest after walking for what must have been almost half an hour away from town centre. The forest was much more welcoming to me than the city since for one there were no people for me to be awkward around, Demi-god or not. The second reason being the fragrant scent that was floating around me from the occasional bushes of flowers and the slight scent of damp earth which comforted me. After all I had been around the scent since I was ten.

The fact that I was a vampire finally began to sink in as I slid down against a tree and rested my head against my knees. No doubt I'll be disowned by my father. After all who would want a monster as a daughter? No-one. And that's what I am, a monster. Even though I had never met my father the thought of being disowned by him made me want to cry, but thanks to that monster I can no longer shed any more tears.

There was a large rustle of leaves not to far away and suddenly an overwhelming scent hit me. Hard. It mainly smelled of vanilla and peppermint but over all was practically irresistible. There was no doubt that, based on the raging fire in my throat, that it was blood.

My entire body froze. Unable to move, neither towards the intoxicating scent of blood or away from it. I kept breathing small little breaths in hope to get used to the smell but without success. I wanted to drain whoever it was dry and I felt like I would do absolutely anything to get their blood.

After probably the longest second of my life I lifted my head and looked in the direction of the scent almost reluctantly. Not that far away but only just visible with my enhanced sight was a teenager, about my age (17), with a sword laying next to them and even from here I could see they were covered in blood. Wait... A sword. I did a slight double take and saw there was indeed a sword lying next to him. "Demi-god." I whispered out loud to myself and forced myself to stop breathing in the mouthwatering and also intoxicating scent.

Why does everything have to be so complicated? If I don't do anything and let him die no doubt I will have his parent on my tail for the rest of my 'immortal' life. If I try and help and kill him (most likely to happen) I will yet again have an angry god/goddess after me. If I help and don't kill him (least likely to happen) then I won't have an angry Olympian after me... Looks like it's going to have to be option three.

Still not breathing I picked up my rucksack which was next to me before almost shakily standing up. Slowly I headed towards the boy who still hadn't noticed me and that made me crave his blood even more. Imagine not having ate for weeks than having a banquet of your favourite foods suddenly placed in front off you. It would be almost impossible not to eat right? Well imagine that but ten times worse then your slightly close to what this is like.

By now I could see every little droplet of blood falling to the floor and I could feel my canines lengthening slightly. After a couple of seconds of making sure I had control I stepped into the boys line of sight. His head immediately snapped up in my direction and he moved his hand so it was gripping his sword slightly though he seemed to hardly have the energy to even do that. I sighed and threw my smaller and lighter bag of ambrosia to him before sitting down against a tree, gripping onto the soil slightly. "It's ambrosia and no it's not poisoned." I said just loud enough for him to hear. My voice sounded musical, almost like bells. Perfect just like the rest of me. The perfect predator.

The boy cautiously opened the bag and bit into a little brownie sized piece of ambrosia. Almost immediately I could see the cuts healing helping fade the craving slightly. Satisfied that I would no longer have a god after me I stood up to leave. "Wait, who are you?" The boys asked curiously as he struggled to stand up.

"Arabelle. Daughter of Apollo. Well probably disowned daughter of Apollo." I replied.

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