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It was the end of school and i was waiting for my Mum to pick me up, as i felt these hands around my waist it was luke. "Hey Spencer what are you doing tonight?" he asked Um nothing just being alone at home studying. "oh okay well could i pop around and make you feel alittle un alone?" haha yeah Sure if you want too, i gave him my address and cell number. "Okay seeya at 7pm". I couldnt believe this not just a kiss today but a boy coming over as well in just one day im on a roll.

*Mum drives me Home*

Hey Mum guess what i got a kiss on the cheek today and a boy Luke who kissed me is coming over to study with me at 7pm tonight ahh im so happy. "oh thats great honey well i'll cook you both dinner than". Okay mum im going to go to my room and get ready. i got undressed and put on a nice t shirt and skirt on and ran into the bathroom, my hair looked like a mess so i did it up in a bun and did my make up. 

*DIng Dong the door bell rang*

i'll get it mum, Hey Luke i said as i opened the door "Hey Spencer you ready to study?" sure am come up to my room oh yeah dont mind the posters haha. As luke Walked into my Room his mouth dropped open and i laughed haha is it too much One Direction for you? "well yes but it's your room so i dont mind shall we sit on the bed?" sure , " so who is your favourite?" haha good question my favourite is Louis Tomlinson he is my Idol i love him to death and he lives just down the road in Doncaster. "oh really does he?" YESS he does when i started liking One Direction in 2010 i almost died when i found out he lived in Doncaster it's so close. "Well can you keep your mouth shut if i tell you something?" yes yes i can what is it? "Okay well have you heard of the band 5 Seconds of Summer?' Yes i have but i dont really know them at all but i do know that they where one directions starting act and are from Australia. "Well i was wondering why you didnt know who i was i am Luke Hemming the lead singer of 5 Seconds Of Summer and i played with One Direction also have meet Louis like a million times so he is a good friend of mine". WHAT NO WAY OMFG LUKE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME EARLIER U HAVE MEET LOUIS TOMLINSON OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT AHHHHHHHH. haha sorry for yelling in your face it's just so amazing im so jealous of you, your so lucky. Luke Cut me off " Spence look what would you do if  called Louis and asked him to meet me and you could come wtih me?" I WOULD LOVE U FOREVER AND EVER, oops sorry about yelling again. "it's fine okay text me saturday morning and meet me at my place and we will call him from there. 

Hey Luke  it's 11pm and you 2 have school tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night you could come around or spencer could go to yours?? "Yes Ashley sure sorry i stayed so late thanks for dinner seeya soon. I walked Luke to the door and say goodbye  as Luke hugged me tight, Thank you Luke again for doing this for me. "it's okay i better go as i kissed Spencer on the fore head goodnight" goodnight Luke, i shut the door and walked in side and hopped into bed.

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