Over The Top

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Was one of the first things Private Donnie McManus heard this morning while he was eating his small ration of meat.
Upon hearing the whistle that commanded attention Donnie scrambled for his nearby rifle. He took that moment to snatch a few extra cartridges for his Webley revolver and his already bayoneted rifle.
As soon as he reached the barrier of the trench he heard the captain screech in his deep voice, "OVER THE TOP!!"
At this Donnie and the rest of the Irish Fusiliers used the makeshift ladders placed on the muddy walls to climb to the top of the wall.
Brakka brakka brakka!
Was the first sound made by the Germans all morning. The first unlucky soldiers to cross the wall were caught in a spray of machine gun fire and collapsed. But the rest kept moving, stepping over the bodies of their fellow troops.
A few more wary men dove for the cover of the craters. The Germans chose this moment to open fire with their artillery pounding the men even more.
"Looks like ol' Berthas saying hello Donnie!" This was shouted to Donnie by his friend Jack who was running beside him. This earned a grimace from him as he watched a soldier go flying by from the loud blast.
Donnie chose this moment to look at his surroundings.
He noticed that they were running through the remains of a house who's owners had hopefully fled before the fighting.
Scattered around the no man's land before them were blackened and collapsed trees who had seen every bit of the destruction.
Donnie stumbled over a pile of bricks scattered about. Barely missing the incoming bullet that would have met with his chest had he not fallen.
"Close one there boy," said Jack as he caught his friends arm from the ground to lift him up.
It took only a few more minutes to reach the German lines where the few who survived the frontline so were fighting for their lives.
Donnie had to duck under an incoming soldier charging him with his bayonet before he could asses the situation.
The Fusiliers that had reached the Germans first were clearly losing. Donnie observed as one Irish soldier bashed over the head with a shovel. In another area a soldier that had just finished his opponent was met with a bayonet to the chest.
Donnie was stunned. All he could do then was watch as the soldiers fought in the melee.
It felt as if everything was in slow motion for him. At that moment Donnie noticed that the soldiers had stopped and were staring at something... him.
"What in God's name... Donnie you're glowing!" Jack yelled at him. Unsure wether to simply watch or help his friend.
"What are on abo-" Donnie asked before he notices the large, light blue aura surrounding him.
The only sounds that filled the void of silence was the distant sound of artillery and the distant screams of the wounded.
Before anyone could say another word the blue aura brightened to degree where all others had to shield their eyes.
Within a moment there was a loud clap , much like thunder, that resounded.
The noise left just as fast as it came taking the light and Donnie with it. The only traces left of him was the imprint of his boots in the dirt.
Schnee Mansion Courtyard a few minutes earlier...
In the finely maintained courtyard of the Schnee mansion stood the young heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, Weiss Schnee, and her older sister, Winter Schnee.
They had come to the courtyard to practice Weiss's ability to summon things. This ability has been passed down through the Schnee bloodline for generations.
"Now sister you must remember: clear your mind, assume the proper posture, and concentrate." Winter instructed walking behind her sister.
Weiss did as she was told mustering her power and focusing it on the symbol she had placed on the ground with her semblance.
She cleared her mind focused solely on the symbol.
This caused a blue light to begin to appear. "Good good now focus harder sister," Winter said to encourage her younger sister.
As Weiss focused on the light it begin to grow in size and intensity.
As the light grew it began to take the shape of a human. This got a curious look from Winter who was used to summoning creatures of Grimm.
After a few moments when the shape had completed the blue light flashed and pulsed outwards causing it to disappear.
In its place stood a strange looking man. He wore an olive colored uniform with a single stripe on the sleeve, underneath a small green, white, and orange insignia. On his back was a pack with a shovel hanging on the side.
On his hip was a holstered pistol of no design either of the girls had seen before. On his head was a dark green helmet that was rounded with a small bill encircling it. And finally in his hands he held what looked to be a rifle with a long knife attached to to the end.
He glanced around the courtyard and saw the girls standing there.
He went to take a step forward and fainted, causing him to collapse to the ground.

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