Blinded Me With Science

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"So tell me again what you're doing." Yang asked from her position leaning against the porch railing. Her question was directed toward the young soldier who now stood in the yard hunched over a table scrounged from the shed on the edge of the property. The top of it held a few vials of red dust and an array of bullets from his rifle, pistol, and shotgun.
He was wearing items from both the kitchen and his own possessions. His face was covered by his gas mask now fully operational with a tube leading from the respirator into the oxygen hidden in the worn bag on his hip. His chest was covered by an apron found in the kitchen and his hands covered with leather gloves that Donnie had produced from his bag.
"I'm trying to mix dust with bullets, something I haven't been able to do before for one reason."
"And that reason is?"
Donnie looked back up at Yang, pointing a finger at himself. "I, am neither a chemist nor an arms maker. I know a chemist. Nice guy you'd like him."
"Ok then. Well I'm just gonna stay back here."
Donnie nodded and set to work. A few minutes later he stopped, holding a up a white vial of dust.
"Hey this is ice dust right?" Yang shrugged. "Yeah it probably is," he said to himself.
Donnie set back to work opening the back end of a bullet and dumping the mysterious dust inside.
Bang! The bullet seemed to explode with sound and light.
Yang leapt up clutching her ears and looked at Donnie. He was writhing around on the ground. As the ringing in her ears cleared she heard shouting. "Sweet Jesus, Mary, and all the bleedin' Saints! What the hell was that?!"
He sat up hands on his eyes (he'd ripped the mask off by this point). "I can't see! The fockin' blighter blinded me!" His accent grew thicker as he shouted.
There was a sudden slamming of the front door as everyone else ran outside. Taiyang ran to the soldier and began helping him up. As Donnie blinked through the dark spots still left in his vision Weiss looked the empty dust vial.
"Donnie what were you doing," she asked holding the vial in front of his eyes. She repeated the question when he only blinked at her. This time her voice had pushed through the subsiding ringing.
With one hand he waved at the table and muttered something to the heiress. She sighed and set the vial back down. "First of all you dolt, how many times have I told you to leave this homemade dust bullet nonsense behind." She received an embarrassed half smile in return. "And second, this isn't even ice dust! That's blue. This is white, you were using flash dust this whole time."
"Well I told I didn't train to be a chemist." She replied in exasperation, "That is the exact reason I told you not to do this!" This was met with a lopsided grin from the young soldier, "It's nice to know you care princess."
While he stumbled back up the porch steps Taiyang had a question. "What were you yelling earlier? With that accent I couldn't understand a word of it?" Donnie settled himself into a nearby chair before answering. "Ah just some old slang from back home is all."
"You mean this home I still haven't heard about?" Donnie simply nodded and inspected the gas mask he had been dragging, rubbing off dirt with his thumb.
"Sooner or later I'll tell ya. Just not now." Taiyang still looked unhappy but resigned himself to waiting.
"There shouldn't be any permanent damage but still don't ever do something like that again." Said Weiss, sitting in the chair next to his. Donnie waved his hand dismissively. "You act like it's as bad as when I tried that lightning stuff."
Blake spoke up from the doorway, a book tucked under her arm, "You've done this before?" Donnie nodded, "Yeah ended up giving myself a good shock. Gave me a nasty little burn that one."
"Wait don't you have someone that makes this kind of stuff for you?"
"He's busy, guy's got a lot of work."
They sat in silence a few moments. Afterwards they continued the afternoon in relative peace.
Hi guys it's me! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. This was in all honesty the chapter from hell to write. It was a filler that I could not think of much to fill with. Well that and I had school and stuff. But on the brightside I can now legally drive a car in the United States so that's good. Anyways thanks for sticking around!

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