Star Comes To Earth

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Star Butterfly rode through the portal onto Earth. Her parents had been very clear in what they wanted. They wanted her to train. They wanted her to blend in. They wanted her to stay safe.


Star was a rebel princess. This wasn't gonna be the boring work at a preparatory school. She was gonna be weird. She was gonna be wild.

The Diaz family seemed nice enough. They offered her all of the accommodations she could ever want, even giving her a room to herself, which she accessorized to fit her personal style. By the looks of the house, they had always wanted to have a kid, with the rooms ornately decorated in different ways, with different toys and exciting colors.

She was to go to a training academy called "High School." All arrangements had been made by her Earth family. The couple were pretty much LifeLovers, or the Mewnian term for Soulmates. It reminded her that her parents weren't exactly made for each other. They were opposites. People say opposites attract. Star was starting to doubt that.

On her first day of school, she walked downstairs only to see the two cuddling on the couch, one giving the other a back massage.

They seemed really content just being with one another. Maybe she could date an Earth person. From what Star had seen, they all were affectionate and kind to one another. And anger management didn't seem to be a problem here. Which was good. Y'know, considering her last relationship was with a demon Prince of Hell.

So she was back to her old optimistic self by the time she got to school. Her best friend Cloudy smiled brightly up at her when Star hopped off of his back and pulled him back into her wand.

It was time. Star was ready. She was wearing a cute outfit. She was equipped with all of the clothing she needed. In fact, she even had an escort around the school, which her parents had arranged for with the principle.

Star thought she was ready for this "High School."

Star was, in fact, completely over prepared.

After bidding her parents goodbye, she skipped over to the math class, something that was supposed to teach her mind magic. Maybe Earth was going to help her.

But Math turned out to just be a waste of her time.

The day in this "tall" school went by too slowly. How could they just sit at desks and talk about a, mitochondrion, some sort of cell powerhouse? They never told her how to use this contraption in battle. What is the whole point of informing the students of a weapon, if they weren't going to be trained in using it?

The normally happy-go-lucky princess was plagued with frustration. How could they possibly think that this would make her a better ruler? Unless they wanted her to be like that measuring device which broke easily when she swung it at an "ant" who bit her. Also, what was up with these bugs? On Mewni some of the monsters slightly resembled these creatures, but they were much larger and much more intimidating. Once the crass, loud bells had finally stopped ringing, Star was told by Janna, a cool Earth girl, that school had ended and she was supposed to go back to the Diaz residence. Well, she didn't really use those words exactly.

But Star got the gist of it what Janna was saying and ran home, embracing the feeling of her muscles untwine. School here on Earth was kind of like a prison.

When she entered her temporary home, her expectations were to slip in quietly and set her backpack down.

Instead, she was greeted with the smell of cookies, and the sound of the Mrs. Diaz welcoming her home. It made her feel guilty that she was originally just going to leave them in favor of her wand. The attention she was getting here was rather nice. They made her seem like she was the most important thing in their lives. They treated her like a princess.

And for once, she liked the feeling.

Soon enough, Star's hosts had to leave her alone. So her mood was yet again lifted. She hopped up the stairs and into her room, pulling her wand out in the process. Magic seemed like a good idea right now.

But she wasn't prepared for the little blue man named Glossaryk to pop out of her spell book in front of her. She wanted to leave without him seeing her. And yet, there he was.

The little blue man flipped himself over staring into her eyes. "Why, Star, you seem down. What is wrong?"

"What? No, I'm fine," Star sighed and then conceded. She couldn't keep anything a secret from Glossaryk. Quite frankly, she needed to make a secret place. A place that kept her secrets. A.... secret.... Closet? "I'm just embarrassed that I have to be sent to this dimension. I'm not helpless. I've been fighting monsters my whole life."

"You know, the only reason you are here is that you couldn't control that wand," Glossaryk raised an eyebrow, and made an effort to roll his r's, "The first Butterfly to lose control of that wand in generations."

Star huffed and finished putting her stuff away.

"You should probably train if you want to get back to Mewni soon."

Because doing magic was a million times better than doing homework, Star decided that she should probably listen to her mentor for the first time in her life.

Apparently practicing fighting spells wasn't what Glossaryk had in mind. The large field in which they were practicing had been empty for about an hour now. Narwhals were strewn around, flopping in the grass all around the two.

"Gloooosssarryyykkk... I've been doing the same spell for like... Millennia. Teach me something new!" Star whined, her voice piercing the night air.

"Star, you aren't ready. It's still your first day on Earth. Remember why you are here."

"I'll give you pudding..." sang Star.

"Deal. Now, this is called a summoning spell. It's something only Eclipsa could do, and I just want to test your powers. Now, the first step is to..."

"Coooool... let me try!"


The spell was cast.

The wand erupted with light, and a jagged door was ripped into the air right in front of Star.

A boy her age stepped out. He was tall and imposingly handsome. His hair was swept messily to the side under a bright red wide brimmed hat. An ornate skull mask adorned his face, leaving space for only his black eyes, with the pupils of cats eyes.

He grinned. "It's good to be back." He purred, taking his hat off and tucking it under him as he bowed to her.

Star Butterfly was speechless. Glossaryk wasn't.

"Begone demon! Go back to your accursed dimension!" Glossaryk said, lazily shaking his wrist at him. "Do you see what you did? This is why you are stuck on Earth." He looked at her earnestly.

"Wait. You were banished from a dimension also?" The demon looked impressed. "I'm Marco. And you are?"

"Star Butterfly!" She bubbled, finally getting her voice and spunk back.

"The princess of Mewni." Glossaryk declared, examining his nails. Star nudged him, trying to keep his attention completely on her.

When a loud noise, reminiscent of a train blaring its horn sounded in the portal behind the demon, he glanced behind him, breaking eye contact.

"See you around." Marco tipped his hat to her and stepped back into the portal.

It closed.

Her mouth didn't.

Hey there! I've been extensively editing this book, and this is a better version of the first chapter. Nothing new happens, but there are more details and less plot holes. Enjoy!

Banished: A Starco demon AUWhere stories live. Discover now