Chapter 20

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How many people are in an average school cafeteria? I'd say roughly about 300. Well that is at least in mine. That's a terrible thought for someone with stage fright. Luckily, I don't have stage fright.

School today is going to be one of two things. Either exciting or not good at all. I woke up at nine and took some of the day to get ready because I wasn't able to go into school until lunch, which starts at eleven thirty.

I got up and took a shower. Once I got out I did my normal makeup and put on a pair of light blue jeans, black boots, a black with white lace tank, a watch, and a heart pendant necklace. My hair was straight but I put it carefully in the wig. I put on my fake glasses and braces. Last I grabbed an oversized sweatshirt and checked the time. 11:03. Perfect timing.

By the time I pull up to the school, in my car, the lunch bell has just rang. Blake texted me that everything was going as planned. I texted him that I was on my way in.

My cafeteria is one big room. Everyone sits at round or rectangle tables. The populars sit at the long table in the middle. My table is three over.  On a normal day the fact that my table is so close to the populars would be a bad thing, but today it's actually a good thing. This is how our plan is going to work.

So as I go to my table, I take in how many people are in the cafeteria at the moment. A lot. Good. I see Blake and Alex sitting. I walk over and watch as Alex inhales the whole tray of nachos in front of him. I don't think he even chewed one chip. How? If I were to try that I'd end up dead.

"Hello beautiful girls. Nice day isn't it?" I say as I sit across from them.

"Hey I am for sure not a girl. You should know that" and "HEY! Take that back" first from Blake and then from Alex. Alex looked generally sad that I said that.

"Awe Alex poo are you going to cry?"

"No and I told you to quit calling time that. It was a one time thing"

"Okay Alex poo" I say as I playfully roll my eyes and take off my sweatshirt.

Just as Alex was about to reply, Blake interrupts. "I think it's showtime." He says as he looks at something behind me.

I turn around and sure enough, there stands Lyndsey six feet away from me. She looks up from the guy she's talking to and starts walking towards me, of course with her posey behind her.

"Well well well. Look who thought she was cute enough to dress up today. Well news flash nerd. You don't look good." As she says this, the cafeteria gets quiet everyone eager to see what today's show has in store.

I stand up.


"Nerd. Do you think you can talk to me? You're a nobody. I'm the 'IT' girl here. Not just anybody can talk to me. I mean you act as if you're Lexi. Look at your outfit. That's what she wears. And you can't pull it off. You're fat. She's skinny and so am I. We're perfect. You have no friends either. I mean you can't even get a boy to like you, let alone kiss you. And I have boys falling at my feet to be with me. Even Cody the 'IT' boy. Which is my boyfriend by the way. You wish you could be like me." Too bad that's my brother and she doesn't know it. Yet. By this time Blake and Alex are standing somewhere close behind me. I only know this because Lyndsey nods her head at them. I figured it was time for me to start taking my braces then my glasses and now my wig off since everyone's attention was now on the boys.

"And them two. They're not really even your friends. They just talk to you because they feel bad for you. They just use you to get good grades. They think you're ugly also. Gosh what don't you get. No one likes you and no one will so why don't you--" she finally looks at me. "L-Lexi? You're the nerd? I-I didn't mean what I was saying. It was just a joke, a dare, a little game. None of it was true. I promise. We're friends remember. Don't you re-"

"Save it Lyndsey. I'm sick and tired of hearing your bullshit day in and day out. You have seriously got some issues if you're willing to go so far as to bully people. Oh and thanks for the compliments by the way. Perfect just doesn't suit you. Perfect people don't exist and even if they did, a bully wouldn't be one. And one last time, my brother and you were never anything. Cody just thought of you as a one time fling. Get over yourself." I turn away from her and to the crowd. "Oh and as for you all. Thanks for all the help over these years. It was sweet, really. Note the sarcasm. Go get life's instead of watching this. Last thing. The name is Alexis not Lexie not Alex. Alexis." I grab my purse and walk out. I don't care if I ever see the wig again. I'm done with it for good.

Once I get out to the parking lot I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around. Alex.

"You did so good in there. You should have seen everyone's faces when you left. It was priceless."



"Why are we friends? I mean. Why did you chose me to be your best friend? Is it because of Cody being my brother or is it because you really wanted good grades? Why me?"

"Stop. We're friends because you're awesome and so am I. We're friends because you're brave. No one I know besides you would be willing to go through Hell and back just to race. Everyone else, like me, would take the easy way out. I did. But you didn't. You see what you want and you go after it. I'm jealous of that and so is everyone else. That's why Lyndsey always says things because we're all jealous of how easy you take things. That's why we're friends. Because you're awesome. And anyone who doesn't want to be your friend is crazy." I honestly can say that I was speechless. I hadn't realized just how awesome of a friend Alex was.

"Seriously? You think that? Wow."

"I do. Everyone does. Enough about this. How about us three leave and go to your house. Cody's there remember?"

"Okay. Go get Blake and I'll meet you there." I tell him as I get in my car.

Once I'm in, I stop and take a deep breath and a few tears slide down my cheek as I whisper "It's over. It's finally over." After years of being bullied, it'll take its toll on you. You'll start to think you really don't belong. I sit about ten minutes and just let the tears fall out, then I start the car and pull away from Hell.

AHHHHHHH!!! 50k thank you so much!!!! This is craziness.

How do you all feel about me ending this soon? I have no more ideas for this book. I'm ready to start my next one. Ideas are flowing but unless someone has a good way I could take it, I might be done with it soon.

Please comment and vote! 😘

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