I sighed, as my long bangs flew into my eyes. Currently I was walking in the airport to my gate number. Gate number 93.
A year ago I decided I needed a new beginning. Being in a small town, working at a local book store, and living in a small apartment was not my cup of tea. I needed something exciting. My new chapter will begin in Seoul, South Korea....
Sitting down at my gate, I checked the time. 9:46 it read. Gosh why am I always so early? Pulling out my headphones I leaned back in my seat. Just as my eyes fell adjacent, feeling a strange tugging at my long sweater my eyes shot open. What the hell? As I looked up I met with a pair of beautiful, brown eyes.
Those eyes.. I feel like I have seen them before. It is something about those eyes. The person look just as confused as me. I tugged on my sweater again causing it to rip. Just my fucking luck. Looking down, I noticed my jacket was connected to under his seat. Again, what the hell? I breathed out a heavy breath and pushed my bangs back. How could my sweater get caught on his seat? "Oh no." His deep voice mumbled. Seeing him he looked.. Bored.
How can someone look that way? He seemed to not care what was occurring in his wild surroundings. Grabbing my torn sweater I sighed once again. "Um.. I'm sorry I tore your sweater." He said a little louder. "No, no. It's okay. This sweater is old anyway." I chuckled. Lies. This sweater is not old. I got it three months ago and it's my favorite. "Are you sure? It looks pretty new to me." I didn't reply. I didn't want him knowing I was lying. I just nodded my head. "Well let me make it up to you. I'll buy you lunch." I looked back down at my clock and it read 10:03. Great, another 5 more hours.
Once he chose our seats, a beautiful straight haired girl approached us. "Hello, welcome. May I start you off with drinks?" She stated being perky as ever. I noticed way too much of her cleavage was showing. How disturbing.
"I'll have a beer." He replied not once looking at her. "Okay. And for you?" The once perky female turned into a snobby one." Stupid ass. "I'll have a water please." I gave her a small smile. Before writing my drink down she stated, "I mean you might as well get a soda or something. I mean your already big." What the fuck? I knotted my eyebrows together, furious. Before I could reply, a voice responded.
Authors note: SHORT FIRST CHAPTER (longer works soon to come)
Hey guys, let me introduce myself. My name is Mia. ^^ I've decided to write another book. If you have read my last one thanks~ if this is your first one, welcome!
With the help of my friend Kianna she has helped me put together this plot. I hope you guys will enjoy and love reading my work. :))

Monster in Black
FanfictionWhen you think of a monster what comes to mind? A childhood fear maybe? An animal? Or even a human? In my case, it was a human. A human with beautiful, brown eyes I never thought would turn as scary as it did. Those eyes I once craved turned into...