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It had been two days since the fight with Higgs and Merida felt bad about it. She didn't mean to yell and she didn't mean to say what she had said but he was starting to grate on her affection for him as a person. To think that he thought she was like any of those other women was just preposterous to her but after brooding and sitting, she could start to see why he would be edgy. She wondered if Higgs warned the other girls before his transformations or if they were like her and just came upon them? She had a feeling that the others were told of them or they had at least heard of them before they went to work for him. She decided to get a little more insight on the matter and went into town.


Merida went into the embroidery shop to find some thread and began to look around the shop. She wanted to mend a couple of those dresses that Higgs had hanging around so that she could have a more variety of clothing. True, he had sent off about five of them to get done professionally, but Merida had been taught professionally by her grandmother back in Scotland, so it wasn't like she couldn't do them herself. Higgs had insisted a seamstress get them done and she decided it best not to argue with the kid. After finding the colors she was looking for, she went to the counter and waited for the cashier to ring her up.
"Pardon me but do ye ken where a young lass named Gretchen works? She used to maid for Mr. Northumberly."
The woman thought for a second. "Gretchen... Gretchen... ah, you must mean Ms. Weebles." Merida tried hard not to snicker at the woman's last name. "I believe she works for the Hinkleys. They live about four miles out."
"Would ye be so kind to give me the address? I've been meaning to speak with her but I havenae been able to find out where she works."
"Sure. I'll write it down after I ring you up."
Merida nodded and waited as she rang her up. She paid and got the address from the woman and headed over there.


The house was ten times bigger than the Northumberly mansion by far and the front door looked as tall as their mansion. She used the door knocker and it echoed like a drum throughout the house, which was so loud Merida could actually hear it from outside. The door opened momentarily and a snooty looking butler walked out.
"How may I help you?" he said in a condescending tone.
"I was wonderin' if I could speak to Gretchen?"
"May I ask on what account? A young Scottish lady like you doesn't seem the sort to be around Ms. Weebles."
"Aye, that be true, but I have some questions in regards to her former employer, Mr. Northumberly. I'd like to get a wee bit more information. I mean, if that willnae cause yer pride to be bruised? I man with yer nose that far up in the air cannae have yer pride hurt; ye'd rax that stiff neck of yers and yer eyes would have to adjust to looking up and not down. Ye may be deemed a bammer cuz yer eyes are stuck."
The butler only threw his nose higher into the air (which Merida wondered how he could get it any higher) and motioned for her to come in.
"Despite your lack of couth, if you'll wait here in the foyer, I will retrieve Ms. Weebles for you."
He left and Merida mocked him behind his back. The place was nice and she looked around at the many people bustling about. She was so used to Higgs' manor that having so many people doing things almost made her dizzy. She walked over to the mirror that was over a table in the foyer and frowned at her disheveled appearance. No wonder everyone kens that I'm a ragamuffin. Look at my hair! It's all over the place. Damned curls willnae stay in place and run rampant. she thought to herself as she desperately tried to fix her curls into something presentable.
"Wow, you have lovely curls."
Merida gasped and turned around, a young woman looking at her kindly, a small book in her hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just-"
"You're fine... I'm Elizabeth." She said, holding her hand out.
Merida shook it gently and then gave a small curtsy.
"How do ye do?" she said politely.
"So you work for Higgs now?"
"Aye, I do."
"How is he? I don't seen him often and he misses out on so many parties."
"He's uh... I believe he's doing well."
"What brings you here?"
"I came to ask Gr- I mean, Ms. Weebles about him and get a wee bit more information about him."
"I'm here." Gretchen said, coming into the doorway. "I'm sorry you had to get caught up with this dirty person, Lady Hinkley."
"Nonsense, she was a delight. It was nice to meet you, Ms..."
"Oh, Dunbrough. Merida Dunbrough."
"Ms. Dunbrough. Do tell Higgs I asked about him."
Merida nodded as Elizabeth left and Gretchen turned to her.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"She came at me first."
"Lady Elizabeth is as lovely and beautiful as they come and she doesn't need to be talking to the likes of riff-raff like you."
"I get the picture, Gretchen." Merida said with a sarcastic face. "I dinnae come here to talk with her."
"Then what business do you have?"
"I came to ask about yer time with Mr. Higgs."
Gretchen gave her a cruel smile. "I knew you wouldn't be able to take it."
"Who said I was leavin? I just came to ask some questions."
"Like what?"
"Did ye ken about him afore ye went to work for him?"
"Yes, I'd heard the rumors but I didn't think they were true."
"I see... and when ye found out, what did ye say?"
"What do you mean?"
"How long did ye stay after ye found out that it was true?"
"I think I stayed for two transformations or something. I try to keep them out of my mind." She said with an overdramatic shudder.
"Did ye tell Mr. Higgs that ye would stay no matter what?"
"I told him I would stay as long as I could. But then he turned into that weird snake thing and kept climbing in my bed... I couldn't take it anymore and finally left. I told Lady Saxon that I couldn't stay any longer and she recommended me to this place."
"So ye promised ye'd try?"
"I see... So he let ye know and then ye promised ye'd try after ye saw him change."
"Yeah, so?"
"Nothing... that's all I really needed to know. I hope ye dinnae trip over yer ego and hurt yerself by taking time out of yer day to speak with me."
"You're still wearing my dresses." Merida turned back. "I want them back."
"Again, ye'll get them back when ye take it off of my body. If ye want it so bad then take it."
Merida wasn't expected that Gretchen would take up her offer and she grabbed a hold of the fabric, ripping the seams apart and left Merida in her shift, which Merida was happy she put on at last minute.
"Much better. That suites you much better."
"What are ye trying to say?" Merida said, lifting an eyebrow at the woman.
"Whores shouldn't be allowed to wear lavish dresses. It sinks into the fabric and turns it into a sin. I've rescued this dress from-"
Merida reeled back and punched her in the face, blood falling out of Gretchen's nose and onto her own dress. Gretchen looked appalled as Merida glared at her.
"Ye listen here, ye sleekit little harpy, I may be from Scotland and I may be a maid, but I am not a whore. Ye stand there with a stick so far up yer bahookie that ye cannae shit without blowing splinters and ye ken I'm going to let ye make fun of me because of where I come from? I'll have ye know that ye're nothing but a hackit greetin teenie that cannae keep a promise to save ye life. But ye'd break it for money... so I ken that ye got yer sights on the wrong person who is the whore. Ye best look in the mirror lassie, cuz that's where ye'd find one." Merida turned and then turned back. "And next time, I'll kick ye right between the legs."
"How is that a threat?" Gretchen growled.
"Ye've never been kicked between the legs then. Male or not, ye dinnae want a foot that near yer nethers, lass."
Merida left and headed back home.


Fuscia walked over to Higgs as he leaned on the window sill of the room he used when he stayed with his mother. He'd been very down the past couple of days and he wouldn't tell her why. He just stared out the window with a forlorn expression, sighing every once in a while.
"Higgs?" He looked back at her and then turned to the window again. "Mother and I are worried about you."
"Well... you haven't moved from this spot for a bit."
"I'm fine."
"No you're not. What happened?"
"Nothing... It's nothing you can fix or anyone can fix."
He lifted his head as he saw Merida walking up the pathway in only her shift, his ear flicking.
"What the devil is she doing in her shift?" he asked.
Fuscia went to the window and looked as well, frowning.
"Do you think she got robbed?"
"She'd beat them up before that ever happened." Higgs grumbled. He laid on the sill again. "What does it matter..."
Fuscia made a face and walked out, running down the stairs to catch Merida.


"It is colder than a witch's tit up here." Merida shivered. "That bitch just ripped that dress right off me! Only thing I can think of is poor work on the seamstress or a cheap dress. I'd like to think the latter so it makes more of a case on her cheap ass-"
"Ms. Dunbrough!"
Merida turned as Fuschia ran up the hill to her.
"Oh, hello, Ms. Northumberly."
"Why in all that is holy are you wearing just your shift?"
"Funny thing happened; that hackit wretch that was Higgs' maid before literally tore off the bloody thing. I'd like to ken it was poor craftsmanship and if that's the case, the blighter can have all her dresses back." She growled, looking back towards town.
"Gretchen... tore your dress off? Why were you even talking to her?"
"Had to get some information."
Fuscia made a face. "Do you plan to leave?"
"What? No, I wanted to understand why everyone keeps asking that. Just as I suspected, it's just a lack of trust and a lack of faith."
"On... whose part?"
"Both. The maids lacked faith and ye dinnae trust them because of it."
Fuschia turned her head. "Is that why Higgs is in a frump?"
"I dinnae ken anymore, Ms. Northumberly. One minute he's worried, the next he's tearing me up one side and down the other for being a horrible person about something that I dinnae plan to do."
"What do you mean?"
"He dinnae tell ye?" Fuschia shook her head. "He yelled at me the other day about me leaving and treating him like all the other maids he's had. Then he tried to tear me down and make it seem like I was just like them. He willnae give me a chance. I understand he's been hurt but ye cannae move forward if ye cannae get past ye traumas..."
Fuscia nodded. "I get it now... I think you may have to just wait until after he's a centaur. Since they are half horse and horses are sensitive to a lot of things, sometimes it can cause problems. He's blowing things out of proportion, although they are in his rights to wonder about, but let him do as he wishes. When he's ready he's ready."
"Guess that's really all I can do."
"Don't worry, he'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. And since your staying or leaving is the problem, then just make sure you're there when he comes home."
"Of course."


It was longer than Merida had expected and Higgs stayed away for the whole month. It gave her time to thoroughly clean the house, though, and it was beautifully spick and span by the time May came around.
As she was boiling water for tea, she heard the front door open and went to see who it was. She was surprised to see Higgs in the doorway and he looked up from closing the door.
"Weel, it's about time ye came back home. Are ye over yerself?"
Instead of answering, he walked over to her and pulled her to him, leaning her back and deeply kissing her on the lips.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now