Chapter 1

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This was the worst of them all. Sure, Finn and Rachel fought over small things all the time , but this was something different. She had been planning her future without asking him about anything. He felt left out and confronted her that if they plan on getting married after graduation, then she has to include him in discussions about the future.

Their shouting could probably be heard in Australia. Rachel said "I'm doing what's best for my career so that I can provide for our family when we get one. Plus, you know it's my dream"
"So you could include our future kids in New York, but forget about me? Really Rachel?! You plan on moving to New York and buying an apartment with Kurt. You know I support your dreams, but you can't just leave and plan a future without me!"
Finn stormed out slamming Rachel's door behind him. Rachel sat on her bed mumbling, "I've told him how bad I wanted this. Why can't he just accept it already?" Finn said goodbye to Leroy and Hiram quickly before leaving the Berry household with the slam of yet another door and another when he got in his car.


Rachel woke up to a strange sound-an alarm playing Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon. "What the-?" She mumbled rubbing her eyes. Had she forgotten to set her regular alarm? No that couldn't be. Rachel Berry never forgets. Perhaps Finn changed it when he was over. Finn. She remembered their fight from the night before and quickly sat up in bed rubbing her eyes. The room looked different, but extremely familiar. Her eyes for fully open and it took her a moment to realize that she was in the Hudson-Hummel house. She was extremely confused as to how she got there until she realized how far from the ground she was. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, seeing her boyfriends reflection in it. She splashed water on her face a couple times, but it didn't work. Finally it hit her. "Holy crap I'm Finn Hudson!"
"No shit Sherlock." Kurt said from downstairs.


Finn was woken up for the third time by some strange alarm with music that hurt his ears. He simply just rolled over and pressed snooze without opening his eyes. It was now twenty minutes later and the alarm had gone off again. "Ughhhh" Finn said finally opening his eyes ready to chuck the alarm out the window.
When he grabbed the alarm, it was smaller than he remembered...and it was pink. He wondered if Kurt was playing a prank on him. He wasn't. He knew that when Mr. and Mr. Berry walked in asking why their daughter was still asleep because she's always up with the first alarm. He didn't understand what he was doing at the Berry household. He opened his eyes seeing Rachel's pajamas that she only wears when she's sad. The strange thing was though, her clothes were on him. "Hi Mr. and Mr. Berry" he said gasping when he heard Rachel's voice instead of his. "Are you okay princess? Do your father and I need to go kick someone's butt?"
"No no I mean I'm fine. Just tired is all."
They gave her a strange but understanding look and left her room to get her tea. While they were gone, Finn quickly ran to the bathroom looking in the mirror. He was somehow in his girlfriend's body, which really confused him. He tapped his face making sure it was real and not fake. Then the ran a hand through his...well her hair.
He almost had a heart attack when he realized that he had boobs. He grabbed them but noticed they were sore. "Ow..I thought this things weren't supposed to hurt", he mumbled as he felt something seep out of him. "What the-?" He pulled down the pants and panties to see a long white thing on top of Rachel's underwear. He knew what this meant. Rachel had her period. He had her period? He wasn't quite sure, but he knew it was a period. No wonder she was complaining to me more than usual he thought. He looked under her vanity after discarding the pad to look for another, but only found tampons. "You've got to be kidding me.."

-sorry if this was crappy I've never been the best at writing
-if you enjoy it pls recommend it to others, hit the like button, comment and follow me pls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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