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The cab drove at a steady pace. Tsukishima's eyes gazed out the window watching the cars and tall buildings move past him in a blur. It was 1 in the morning, the sky having a hazy blue and purple color.

Kei wasn't a morning person though. It was a struggle for him to get up from bed and get ready for his flight. He decided it would be best to wake up early and get there as soon as possible.

With his headphones on, he blasted 'Not Today' by Twenty one Pilots in full volume. He didn't really mind or care if the driver heard his music, its not like he'll do anything. He mumbled and sang quietly not to be heard as he opened the window to feel the warm summer air.

It wasn't long before they reached the airport. Pausing his music and taking off his headphones the blond gets out the car with a black backpack on him.

His driver helped him with his one giant suitcase. Tsukishima payed him and drove off. With one deep breath he walked through the giant glass doors into the airport.

As usual, crowds of people invaded the place. He cringed at the sight since he was anxious over crowded areas and tiny space. Being too nauseous to enter an occupied elevator, he decided to wait until it was fully clear for him and himself only.

Just when he got his chance he dashed right in and never has he slammed the elevator button so fast. He gave out a sigh in relief and checked the time on his phone. '2:35.. just enough time to get myself some food and look around.'

He hopped out and looked for the nearest restaurant. "I could really go for some french fries right now.. but airport fast food tastes like shit." He grunted and turned on a corner.

A heavy sweet scent filled his nostrils. Knowing what it was he searched for the source. And there it was. A small shortcake hut stood in the middle of all the other shops. It was like a spotlight shone on it, it captured Kei's full attention.

He walked over and inhaled the scent of batter and sweets. A middle-aged woman placed some of her unfinished cakes in the oven behind the glass counter displayed of cakes.

She hummed softly to the radio that was playing on the wooden counter and turned around, a warm smile on her face. "Why hello, what can I do for you young man?" Thank Kami she doesn't recognize me!

Tsukishima observed the cakes and picked one of his liking. "May I buy the strawberry shortcake?" He pointed to the one on the top right. "Of course, dear." She carefully took the cake from the glass counter with gloves and put it in a small foldable box.

"That will be 2400 yen, please." Tsukishima took out his wallet and payed the price. "Here you go, enjoy!" She slid the cake over to him and bowed. He did the same and walked to a circular table nearby.

Unboxing it, he probably saw the most beautiful strawberry shortcake in his entire life. The half sliced strawberries were perfectly aligned around the whip cream, a little bit of red syrup zigzagging across the cake.

He dug in and took a bite of its soft creamy texture. It truly felt like heaven. Heaven probably tastes like this too.


Its been an hour since Tsukishima arrived at the airport; boarding time is soon to be started. A laugh from a small red headed boy sat five chairs down from him with a tall black haired guy. They both seemed to be happy.

As Kei thought, they were wearing matching golden rings. 'Probably going on a honeymoon..' Tsukishima felt a pit of loneliness sink in his heart.

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