Chapter 6

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After me and Evan went to the supermarket and got a good bit of food to last us and everything else we needed we headed back to his house. Me being in a pissy mood and him just normal as ever was crazy to me. I cared too much for Evan to be getting in trouble with the law and I don't know if he knows that or not but he needs to. We pulled into his driveway, got all the groceries out the car neither of us saying a word and went inside.

"Jade I'm not sure if I'm ready for your rage yet."

"Well you better get ready fast cause you running that red light and was aware of it is absolutely ridiculous. Do you not know you could've caused a wreck, or even worst."

"He didn't give me a ticket so I don't see what the big deal is and why does it matter?"

I know he didn't just ask that. My blood started boiling knowing he asked a dumb question cause we can't deny that was a dumb question. It's obvious he doesn't understand the potential damage he could of caused but I guess not.


"You really need to calm down."

"I don't need to calm down because I'm looking out for a person I love and care. Is that so bad? Cause if it is may god so help me. Evan you don't get it, fuck the ticket for a second and realize that there are people that actually fucking love you and care for you."

He looked at me shocked. At this point I had tears coming from my eyes and I didn't notice at first. I didn't know how and what I meant when I said I loved him. I had feelings for Evan but love, I don't know. He took a few steps closer to me examining my wet red face.

"You- you love me Jade."

"Uh I love and care for you yea I guess."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I thought it was obvious, plus we haven't been together that long for me to tell you"

"But we have been together long enough for you to love me."

He said. He was right, he was completely right. But who was i to tell if it was love. We met almost two weeks ago, we've been together non stop for the past two weeks, he makes me happy, angry, excited, and I guess we can add cry to the list as of today, and most importantly he makes me feel loved.
He makes me forget about the little imperfections I have and make me realize how beautiful I am. He makes me laugh so vibrantly that I forget about the world. But then again who was I to tell it was love.

"Your right." I said as more silent tears rolled down my face. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that he saw I was hurting at the moment.
Evan took me to his room, lays me down on the mattress that I loved the most and cuddled me for the time being.

I didn't even want to leave his presence nor the location we were in. I wanted him all to myself.


"Yes Evan?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Please don't add the too."


"Cause everyone that told me they loved me too left me, I don't want you to leave me."

He pulled me closer than ever to his chest. I snuggled deeper into his warm embrace and took in his fine scent.

"I won't ever leave Evan I promise you."

"You really promise baby."

"I promise."

He kissed me on my forehead and we Laid on his bed not saying anything else feeling as if the moment would be ruined. But nothing he says or does can ruin this moment.
Two weeks felt like two years, two decades even. Time was just an illusion, to us it didn't matter how long ago we met if the feelings was there then it's there. And we both knew that.

I almost forgot that today I had planned to go eat out with the girls today. I had a great feeling they would be upset with me, they haven't seen me in so long when they are used to seeing me everyday. I felt bad but I was too weak to say or do anything, I only focused on Evan and being held by him and that was a very beautiful thought to me.
Hey guys! So I'm sorry this chapter is so short it was so last minute and I have a ton of homework to do but in the next couple of day my updates will be soooo much better cause I will have a lot of time on my hands. But yea I really hope you guys enjoyed this and I appreciate y'all. *Heart emoji*

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