Chapter 3

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(Later that week on Thursday)

Today is the day! Today I finally get to give Venny the trip I've so desperately wanted to tell him about! I've had this trip planned since Monday and it has been the hardest thing keeping it a secret! I have wanted to tell him so many times now and could have, but that would've ruined the whole surprise! I actually almost told him by accident. We were on the phone and I said I had to make sure I didn't lose... and that's when I realized it almost slipped out of my mouth that I didn't want to lose the receipt.

It was about 2:00 PM, so it was about time for me to leave so I would make it in time to pick him up from school. I knew he would be hungry so I was going to stop and get him something to eat on the way. I don't know what it was, but every song that came on the radio made me think of him. I was in such a great mood that nothing could make this day bad. My heart melted when Jason Derulo's Marry Me came on. Cause I knew one day I would marry Venny.

While I was on the freeway and jamming to the radio, out of no where the radio turned to static. I thought maybe it was just a bad connection for that station, so I changed the station. But every station sounded like static. That's when I heard what sounded like a voice. It wasn't loud, just faint enough to where I could barely hear it. I couldn't exactly make out what it said, but it definitely wasn't something normal. Maybe I was just daydreaming. As I was contemplating my sanity the radio came back like nothing had happened.

When I finally got close to his school I decided I would stop at Taco Bell to get him a snack. I was feeling so good that I got him Starbucks as well. His favorite drink which is a Vanilla Bean with Caramel Drizzle. By the time I got to Vennys school he was waiting outside on the curb. When I pulled up he had the biggest smile on his face, which made me feel so many butterflies! When he opened the door and saw the food and drink that I got him, he got even more excited! He gave me the biggest hug and then gave me the longest kiss ever! It was so long that cars behind me were honking, I'm pretty sure I heard an old lady tell me to get the hell out of the way or she'll get out and beat the shit out of me! Who knew that old people could be so rude!

I had to find the perfect opportunity to give him the trip, but right then I was just enjoying my time with him. We went to his sisters house so we could relax and watch movies. We decided we wanted to watch a scary movie, so he surprised me and put on my favorite scary movie which is Jeepers Creepers! I love this guy so much, he knows me so well! We curled up on the couch under a blanket. Having him in my arms was the best feeling in the world. The way he looked up at me, gave me a feeling like no other! I knew what I had to do next, so I gave him a kiss that sent fireworks into the air!

As we were watching the movie I noticed Venny had fallen asleep. This was no big deal, I want to be rested up for later when I give him the surprise he so much deserves. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadowy figure moving. I thought to myself, "What did I just see?" I knew I wasn't dreaming, I mean at least I think I wasnt. Everything felt so real! The figure kept moving in the corner of the room, but it was just staying there! I didn't want to fully look, cause what if it gets spooked and leaves! I felt so intrigued by this! I decided to just look over and started laughing. His sisters cat was laying on table. This woke up Venny, and that was when I explained to him what happened.

After him laughing at me for what seemed like forever, we decided it was time for dinner. This was it! This was the moment I was going to give him the trip. I wanted to be fancy so I asked his sister if I could cook him dinner at her place. She said yes, only if she gets to eat too. So I said of course! Little did she know there probably wasn't going to be any left! I decided to cook him spaghetti! Once everything was complete I set the table and lit a couple candles. When Venny got to the table the first thing he said was, "Smells delicious baby! Thank you so much for cooking for me!" I want to be able to cook for him any chance I get! I may not be the best cook but I still make a mean bowl of spaghetti!

Venny was almost done eating so I knew the moment was coming soon. You could tell something was on his mind, so I asked him, "Are you okay? You look like something is bothering you!" "I'm so grateful that you cooked for me, but what's the catch? You have never cooked for me, so why now? Is everything ok?" Damnit! I knew he would catch on. "Well you see, there is something I want to tell you." His face instantly changed from concern to fear. "I've been holding something from you for so long and I can't take it anymore!" His eyes started to get glossy like he was about to cry. "I bought us a trip to a cabin at a place called Gibson Ranch. We get a full weekend in the cabin! Just you and me! Like you wanted, I made it happen!" His emotion changed so fast! He jumped up like he just won the lottery! He was so excited that he kissed me what seemed to be like a million times. Then he punched me in the arm. He said, "Joshua Carter, if you ever do that to me again I swear I will hurt you!" We both began laughing, something I've been waiting all week to hear! Then all of a sudden all the power shut off except for the TV which had white noise.

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