Chapter 4

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**Vennys POV**

This whole week has been so stressful. Not only  was I doing my finals for the first semester of my junior year, but I was missing him like crazy. Josh has been on my mind every moment of every day. Im probably flunking these finals cause he clouds my mind so much. Everything feels so right when im with him.

My ex boyfriend, Joey, keeps looking at me and smiling. He always walks behind me and brushes my shoulders with his hand. If Josh found out about that he would lose it! I honestly think he would come to my school and beat the shit out of him. Which I don't want because I do miss Joey sometimes. We had some good memories. I think about him from time to time. Sometimes I even think about texting him and asking him to hangout. But I know that would hurt Josh so much. It's just so hard. I get to see Josh once a week, I see Joey every day. Maybe I'll text Joey tonight, but today I get to see Josh so I'm going to focus on that! Josh will always be the love of my life, but there's nothing wrong with keeping my options open!

Its 2 PM and im about to finish my last final. Ugh English. As if anyone cares what the "American Dream" is and what it consists of. Im so tired of these essays. Class gets out at 3 and Im so excited to see my boyfriend, Joshua Carter! The love of my life. Im so tired and cant wait to simply sit back and relax with him. 30 minutes pass and I finish my 2000 word essay. For the remainder of school I find myself daydreaming about his touch. His dirty blonde hair! His beautiful green eyes! The smell of his cologne makes me so weak! I honestly think I started to drool a little in class thinking about him.

"Ding" the annoying bell wakes me from my weary daydream. "Alright class turn in ur papers on your way out. And remember no school tomorrow due to staff development day." Mr Applegarth rants. Ha! Staff development day, more like a day to deploy more standards into our education that will never be used in the real world. We are dismissed and I set my paper up front and leave the classroom excited to find Josh.

As I was leaving the classroom I noticed Joey was standing by my locker. "What do you want Joey?" I asked with a weird look on my face. "I need to ask you something!" Joey said with an eager tone. "Ok we'll make it quick I have somewhere to be!". "Do you still have feelings for me Venny?". "You know I can't answer that, I have a boyfriend. Yes I do miss you sometimes but if my boyfriend were to find out it would crush him!". "Who said he had to find out?" Joey said with a smirk on his face. "We can't talk about this right now, I will text you tonight when I get home. Do not text me, I will text you!". I then left my locker in a hurry cause I couldn't risk anyone seeing me talking to Joey.

I got to the curbside area where all the cars pull up. I didn't see Josh's car, he must've hit traffic I guess. I looked down the rows of cars and instantly recognized his Silver Chrysler. As he pulled up I gave him the biggest smile in the world! He knows me so well. As I got into the car I noticed that he brought a bunch of food from taco bell and my usual starbucks. I couldnt help but hug and kiss him. The way to a guys heart truely is his stomach, at least to me it is! He's so sweet, he buys me food anytime I want. Even times when I'm not hungry he will make me eat cause he knows I'll get hungry later.

We ended up at my sisters, snuggling on the couch. We decided we wanted to watch a movie but we couldn't decide on what we wanted to watch. So Josh told me to pick a movie, and I knew exactly what to pick. Since he got me food and Starbucks, I thought I would do something for him. So I picked out his all time favorite scary movie, Jeepers Creepers! He loves that movie so much, I mean I don't blame him! It's gotta be one of the all time greats! I dozed off shortly after starting the movie. I don't know what it is but there's something about being in his arms that makes me feel so comfortable and safe that I just cuddle up and knock out!

I was suddenly awakened from my beauty sleep by Josh's body jumping. I guess my sisters cat scared him half to death. My boyfriend truely is a little baby when it comes to anything scary. The thought of him getting scared by my sisters sweet helpess cat brought uncontrollable laughter to me. By the time I was done laughing, my chest was hurting. I then hear my tummy grumble and growl. I don't know how I could be hungry, since I just ate not too long ago. Then again I can never pass up a good meal! It was like Josh read my mind. He got up and left me alone on the couch while he prepared a fancy candlelit dinner consisting of garlic bread, spaghetti, and a little bit of salad!

I make my way to the table when I catch a wiff of that amazing smell. His homemade dinner filled the room with a fresh Italian aroma. Now my stomach was so loud he could hear it. I couldnt help but dig in to the food! It was amazing! Who knew he could cook! I really have a winner here! Not very many guys that I have met know how to cook.  I made sure he knew that I appreciated the meal. This made me feel so bad. Josh doesn't know about Joey and I talking today at school. I can't tell him, especially after he made this amazing meal for me! I love him so much, I need to just tell Joey to leave me alone.

After I was done eating Josh gave me a weird look, then began to say something. His words rang in my ear and turned in my stomach: "There is something I want to tell you...  I've been holding something from you for so long and I can't take it anymore!" He said. At this point my body began to feel weak. What was he about to tell me? Was he wanting to end things with me? "I bought us a trip to a cabin at a place called Gibson Ranch. We get a full weekend in the cabin! Just you and me! Like you wanted, I made it happen!" He finally announced. The sad expression on my face quickly turned into a smile. I got up so fast and kissed him so much! Then i punched him in the arm. I mean he had it coming. Worrying me like that! "Joshua Carter, if you ever do that to me again I swear I will hurt you!" I said, making it known that Ill beat him up.

He didn't take me seriously cause I am way smaller than him, but at least he knows I will try! He always tries to get me to go to the gym with him, but I don't want to get big! Plus I have all the muscle I need with him! Just then we both began laughing. The laughter was quickly shut down when all of the lights suddenly cut out. A power outage?

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