Prepare Yourself!

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My life is simple and normal like any other normal people on Earth...until I got transport into another dimension by accident. I don't know how it happened, but all I can remember is returning from school then go to my room to turn on my PS4, and load up the new Neptunia game that came out on PS4. While waiting for the game to load up, suddenly, a light out of nowhere blind me.

When I came to, I found myself falling from the sky, literally. I panic so hard and end up screaming so much that I ran out of breath. After I finish my screaming session, I try to calm myself by thinking positive. That work, for a solid few seconds before reality hit me in face.

How does she do it? I guess falling from the sky is pretty normal since her life is pretty exciting on a daily basis.

As a city came into view, I realize I am falling into Planeptune, Hyperdimension.

I was pretty excited when I see four familiar goddesses hanging out on the balcony...until I realize I was going to fall on a familiar black pigtail tsundere. The number one target.

Noire aka Black Heart ends up being my cushion from the fall. I'm still amaze that I survive the fall. Anyway, Noire was not thrill about it, end up yelling at me.

The three goddesses joke about Noire being so popular that her fan came falling down on her, literally. But the Lastation CPU was not having any of it,

And Noire was like, "I-It's not like I care!"

Haa; she is just like I remember. Tsundere.

After that...exciting introduction, Neptune took to me to see Histiore, the Oracle, then I explain to the latter about my situation.

The solution?

It will take 3 days to figure out how to return me back to my dimension.

So, I'm stuck here for 3 days. Best day ever! I mean, who wouldn't want to be stuck in Hyperdimension? I've been dreaming about this ever since I got the first game!

For the rest of the day, I can do whatever I want until then.

"Neptune, I want you to accompany [F/n]," Histoire said.

Neptune didn't look like she wants to go out. "Eh? Why me?"

"Unless you want to stay home and do paperwork-"

Neptune quickly grabs my hand and exclaim, "Let's go exploring, [F/n]!"

And so, Neptune became my guide around Planeptune. There were so many things to see and do, but we end up in an arcade for almost an hour because, well, I challenge Neptune. Surprising, I end up winning by one point by clutching it.

"Nepu! You're pretty good."

"Thanks, but I still think you're the best. I mean, you're the protagonist of protagonist after all."

Neptune giggles at my compliment. "I'm glad someone sees me that way. You're the first one to admit that."

"Well, it is the truth."

"Aw, I'm flatter. Hey, is it true you're a fan of Noire?"

"I'm a fan of all of you."

"I see. So, tell me this, out of all the characters, who do you like the most?"

There is no way I can tell Neptune. She's not good at keeping secret. "Um... I can't tell you!"

Neptune look hurt that I don't trust her. "Huh? Why not?"

"W-Well, you see..."

I tell Neptune how I am a huge fan of her and her friends and I have been following their adventure since day one of the first installment. On the third installment of their game, I happen to develop some kind of attachment towards a certain Planeptune Goddess.

[COMPLETE] I'm In Love With A Sadist (Plutia x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now