The E-mail

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                                               From: <>  To: <B&>

Dear Brian and Hannah VanGuss,
I somehow stumbled upon your daughter in the antique café the other week with her friends.
With my deepest honour, I would like to give her the opportunity to join my program GIANT.

Aspiration that
Nobody, in this world, can
Take away from you

GIANT, gives the opportunity to oversized teenage girls in the country to become the best, version of themselves, they can be.
Only 15 lucky girls are chosen per year.
It's a program that runs for 6 months, starting on the first day of summer break;
June 1st.
Since the location of the program is confidential due to publicity hazards, we will pick your daughter up at 10:00am on Wednesday the 31st May.
But before we come to any conclusions, I would like to extend an invitation to meet with you to discuss your opinions this Friday at 8pm, Rosalie vine's Restaurant.
With Kind regards,
Julian Toggerfer

GIANT //still a working progress//Where stories live. Discover now