His mission

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James soon became a toy in Hydra's games. Whether it was from the further experimentation enhancing the young mans body or wiping any remaining memories he held of his former life. 

The electric jolts of energy surged through the chair into the mechanism placed around his face in various places, one connecting to his right cheek and chin while the other situated itself on top of his temple, electrocuting the young mans head. Not enough to kill him but enough to rid him of his memories, wiping them clean out of existence as if he was born again in a new world where Hydra shaped him into a deadly assassin, making him nothing more than a puppet and eventual weapon in the hand of Hydra.

 He recalled no name, no friends or family, no memories of the man he once was. Leaving him vulnerable. Enabling Hydra to toy with his mind, brain washing him into their perfect weapon and branding him with his new name 'The Winter Soldier'. The Winter Soldier would remain frozen for long periods of time in the Cryogenic freezer that would keep his body young and trapped in time until Hydra deemed fit to unfreeze him for certain missions, these were one of those unfortunate times. Although unlike all the previous years he was not set out to assassinate scientists or politicians, no, this time they sent the soldier onto a new mission unlike any other before, one he did not know would soon change his life. His mission was to kill Hydra's biggest enemy 'Captain America' a well known hero to the world.  

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