Chapter 1 - Meeting Jim

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A fanfic based on the series BBC Sherlock.

None of the characters are mine, except ''you''. That sounded weird.. Welp, I hope you enjoy!

I've written a sequel! Check it out on my profile x

CHAPTER 1: Meeting Jim.

You walked over to your rusty old car. The rain was pouring down on the dark asphalt around your feet. The sound of cars driving quick past you, in the busy London streets, were getting rather annoying. You were just done visiting an old friend. You sighed, and got your car keys. You fiddled, trying to make it fit the keyhole. The cold November weather made your hands shake and your anger boil.

''You need some help there kitten?''

You jumped, and turned around to see a man. his black hair that was gracefully combed to the back, and strong brown eyes looking at you. His accent was Irish, and he's wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath. His hands were in his pockets, and he had a facial expression reminding you of a serpent. The rain was pouring over him, but he didn't seem to care. He stood there completely still, water dripping from his eyelashes, as the rain loosened his groomed hair slowly.

You were unable to talk. It was like this random man controlled your every action and move. He was like a king, standing there only a few meters away from you.

He chuckled, coming a step closer. ''Let me open the door for you.'' He grabbed the keys and placed it in the keyhole. He didn't turn, but instead took the keys out and placed them in your hand. ''Or maybe you want me to drive you home?'' He leaned his back onto the car. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. You can't just let a handsome, scary man drive you home. That's not right at all.

''Sorry, sir.'' You finally managed to say, ''I can drive home fine by myself.'' The man smiled. ''As you wish.'' That was not the answer you were prepared for. You couldn't really do anything, as the man was leaning against your car door. ''S-Sir, can you-'' the man moved slightly to the side, so you could unlock the door. You walked scared over to the door, and crouched down. You tried to put the key in the hole. You were shaking more, trying not to touch the man's leg, which were only inches away from the hole. You breathed heavily, feeling his eyes peering into your neck. You were still fiddling with the key and the keyhole. You were scared for what he would do to you if you touched him without him giving you permission.

''You can't just do it can you honey?'' the man said. He grabbed the keys and put the right one in the hole and turned. ''Jim,'' He said, stretching out his hand, expecting a handshake. You stood up and carefully took his hand. It was extremely cold, probably because of the weather, but it was more to it than that. ''Jim Moriarty.'' He gave you a smile and shook your hand carefully, but didn't let go. ''You, little kitten, has awoken my interest.'' He let go and gave you your keys back. He walked over the street and disappeared around a corner. You looked after him till he disappeared, thinking about what the fuck just happened. You opened your door, and sat down in the old leather seat. You closed the door and started the motor. You turned up the heat, and placed both of your hands at the steering wheel.

''What the hell.''

The only thing you could think of was Jim Moriarty. His sharp look, handsome face, cold hands and soft dangerous voice, telling you that you have awoken his interest. He seems like a dangerous man, and all your instincts tells you to stay away if you ever see him again, but your curiosity and heart told you otherwise. You drove over to your apartment. 221C, Baker Street, and parked your car on the other side of the street. Let's just hope you don't run into Sherlock. He would probably read that you just met a man, and that you have feelings towards that man. Moriarty. Yes. You like him. You like him a lot. You parked your car and opened the door and went straight over to 221C to unlock it. To your surprise it was open. Maybe Mrs. Hudson had cleaned again, and forgot to lock the door? Or maybe she's still down there? You knocked on Mrs. Hudson's door.

''Mrs. Hudson? Did you open my door?''

''No, dear! I left it alone just like you told me!''

''Oh, OK! Thanks...''

You sighed. You are 100% sure you locked the door. Sherlock or John then. You walked upstairs, ready to confront the consulting detective. You knocked on the door. ''Hey, Sherlock?'' You asked, opening the door. ''What is it now?'' he sighed and looked over at you. He raised one brow. ''You're soaking wet. Was it a man or woman?'' He asked. You sighed, and didn't even bother to ask. ''Did you unlock my door?'' you asked avoiding his question. He walked over to you. ''I say it was a man. You wouldn't be soaking if you chatted with a woman, you would go buy a coffee or something. No. This was a man, and you talked in the rain, but not for more than a few minutes. Maybe he stopped you, and you just talked. Oh, and you have fee-''

''Shut up Sherlock!'' you shouted, leaving Sherlock in surprise. You usually never shouted at anyone, at all. Your face was blushing so hard you could feel it.

''Did you open my door?'' you asked again, now with anger in your voice.

Sherlock shook his head. ''Why would I even bother to go down there?'' Yeah, he wouldn't go down there without a really good reason. Wait. That means there was a burglary! You ran downstairs and stopped in front of your door. You opened it and walked down carefully. You entered your living room, which was connected to the kitchen. The light was turned off, and the air was filled with cigarette smoke. Did they steal, and smoke? Was it your cigarettes? You felt irritation boil inside your chest. Suddenly the light turned on.

''I have waited for you. It took almost too long.''

Your stomach turned when you heard the Irish accent for the second time today.

Honey I'm king. (Moriarty x Reader) -based of BBC Sherlock.Where stories live. Discover now