Chapter 7 - Consulting Criminal

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Chapter 7 - Consulting Criminal 

You felt your heart drop. You looked at Moriarty, the man that had made you feel so so special. ‘’Moriarty..” you sighed, feeling rather used. The Irish man glanced over at you and gave you a look, telling you to shut up. You did so, and bit your lip to hold back the oncoming tears. Why would he do that to you?

Sherlock tilted his head slightly. Moriarty frowned a little, ‘’Jim? Jim from the hospital?’’ Moriarty started walking alongside the deep end again. ‘’Oh. Did I make such a fleeting impression? But then, I suppose, that was rather the point.” He looked at Sherlock, who looked over at the red dot dancing over John’s chest, a questioning look on his face. Moriarty had stopped when that happened, but started walking again as he opened his mouth; ‘’Don’t be silly. Someone else is holding the rifle. I don’t like getting my hands dirty.” He stopped. ‘’I’ve given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse of what I’ve got going on out there in the big bad world. I’m a specialist, you see …” He looks surprised, ‘’… like you!’’ Sherlock looked at Moriarty with a expression that he himself wouldn’t be able to read. ‘’ ‘Dear Jim. Please fix it for me to get rid of my lover’s nasty sister?’ “ he spat, his voice sounding rather irritated. Moriarty grinned as he started walking forward again. ‘’Just so.’’ He stopped. ‘’Consulting Criminal.’’ Said Sherlock. ‘’Brilliant.’’ Moriarty smiled proudly. ‘’Isn’t it? No-one ever gets to me – and no-one ever will.’’ Sherlock cocked the pistol, making you jump. You looked at Moriarty, who didn’t look scared at all. ‘’I did.’’ Sherlock said. Moriarty smiled slightly.

 ‘’You’ve come the closest. Now you’re in my way.’’

“Thank you.”

“Didn’t mean it as a compliment.”

“Yes you did.”

Moriarty shrugged. ‘’Yeah, okay, I did. But the flirting’s over, Sherlock,’’ He took a small pause. ‘’Daddy’s had enough now!’’ Moriarty sang the last phrase with a high pitched voice, making you cringe a little. Then you felt not just heartbreak, but anger to. You didn’t really know why, but you knew how much it boiled inside of you. Moriarty started to stroll closer to Sherlock again. ‘’I’ve shown you what I can do. I cut loose all those people, all those little problems, even thirty million quid just to get you to come out and play.’’ You noticed how scary Moriarty actually is. You should’ve stayed away. You should have called the police. But Moriarty knew that you wouldn’t. You were just a toy. A toy he used when he needed a distraction. A distraction from his usually horrible, but apparently, enjoyable ‘job’.  You noticed how John started to feel the strain. He had closed his eyes, and you noticed Sherlock’s worried looks flicker over to him. Well, that’s love. That also made you angry. You were very angry at Jim Moriarty, and when the right time comes, you will tell him. Moriarty’s slow steps had led him close to you, Sherlock and John, and you got more scared and angry for every step he took. ‘’So take this as a friendly warning,” He started. ‘’My dear,” he made a fluid movement with his head, ‘’Back off.’’ Then Moriarty smiled. ‘’Although I have loved this – this little game of ours. Playing Jim from I.T Playing gay. Did you like the little touch with the underwear?’’ That made you frown a little. Had Sherlock seen his.. Underwear? Focus, y/n. Focus.  ‘’People have died.’’ Said Sherlock as his lips narrowed. Moriarty chuckled. ‘’That’s what people DO!’’ Moriarty screamed the last word furiously, his personality drastically changing. You whimpered and whined when he screamed, a sob leaving you. You noticed how Moriarty’s facial expression turned into something like guilt for a brief second, before he looked back at Sherlock, who had clearly noticed that. ‘’I will stop you.” Sherlock said calmly. ‘’No you won’t.’’ Jim answered. Sherlock looked over at John, ‘’You all right?’’ John didn’t answer, but instead brought his gaze down to the ground. Moriarty walked over to John’s side. ‘’You can talk now Johnny-boy. Go ahead.” John just met Sherlock’s eyes and nodded. Sherlock got the memory stick from earlier and held it towards Moriarty. ‘’Take it.” He stated. Moriarty frowned. ‘’Huh? Oh! That!’’ Moriarty strolled past John and grabbed the stick. John murmured something behind Moriarty, as the criminal kissed the memory stick. ‘’Boring.’’ He sang as he shook his head, ‘’I could have got them anywhere.’’ Then he nonchalantly threw the stick in the water. John threw an arm around Moriarty’s neck, the other over his chest. Sherlock took a step back in surprise, just as you. ‘’John!’’ you shouted, bringing a hand over your mouth. ‘’Sherlock, y/n run!’’ Moriarty laughed. ‘’Good! Very good!’’ You slammed your hands towards your sides once before dropping them anxiously. What exactly is good about this situation? ‘’If your sniper pulls that trigger, Mr. Moriarty, then we both go up.’’ John said savagely. Moriarty glanced at you and Sherlock. ‘’Isn’t he sweet? I can see why you like having him around. But then people do get sentimental about their pets." John grimaced angrily as he tightened his grip on Moriarty, who just continued; ‘’They’re so touchingly loyal. But oops!’’ He grinned at John, then looked towards Sherlock, and you followed his look. ‘’You’ve rather shown your hand there, Doctor Watson.” A red dot had appeared on Sherlock’s forehead. ‘’Gotcha!’’ Moriarty chuckled as John released his grip on him and stepped back, putting his hands over his head. Moriarty straightened his suit jacket, ‘’Westwood!’’ He lowered his hands and stood calmly, looking at Sherlock who was still pointing the pistol at his head. ‘’D’you know what happens if you don’t leave me alone Sherlock, do you?’’ Sherlock sighed slightly, ‘’Oh let me guess, I get killed.’’ He sounded bored when he said it. ‘’Kill you?’’ Jim repeated and grimaced. ‘’No, don’t be obvious. I mean, I’m gonna kill you anyway some day. I don’t wanna rush it though. I’m saving it up for something special. No-no-no-no-no. If you don’t stop prying, I’ll burn you.’’ Moriarty scanned Sherlock’s body before locking eyes with him again. ‘’I’ll burn, the heart out of you.’’ The way Moriarty hissed ‘heart’ made you cringe and take a step back. Sherlock took a quick glance at you, before looking back at the criminal. ‘’I have been reliably informed that I don’t have one.’’ Moriarty glanced over at you and chuckled, understanding that it was you who had told Sherlock that he didn’t have a heart. You immediately felt incredibly guilty, looking down at your feet. ‘’But we both know that’s not quite true.’’ Moriarty chuckled, ‘’Well, I’d better be off. ‘’ You glanced up at him, and he met your eyes for a few seconds, a look of sorry and ‘you can talk now’ in them. But you had absolutely nothing to say. Or, you had a lot of things you wanted to say, but nothing really wanted to come out. ‘’Well, so nice to have had a proper chat.’’ Sherlock pointed his gun closer to Moriarty’s head. ‘’What if I was to shoot you now - right now?’’ You gasped slightly, placing yourself between the two men. ‘’I wouldn’t let you.’’ Surprised at your stable voice and crazy action, you met Sherlock’s even more surprised eyes. You didn’t want to look at Moriarty. Sherlock jerked his head over to the side, signaling for you to move away from your spot. You silently did as he said, and met Moriarty’s eyes in the process. He smiled weakly to you before blowing you a small kiss, making you blush wildly and look down. Jim Moriarty the fucking dickhead. “I’d be surprised if you shot me. Especially after what y/n just did. You know, when I first saw her, she couldn’t get her car door open. Pathetic. But there was something about her.” Sherlock scoffed. “You don’t care about her, so leave her alone before she gets too attached to you.” Moriarty gasped ironically. “You know, Sherlock, caring about her will just make things even more difficult for us.” Sherlock didn’t say anything. Jim then slowly turned away. ‘’Ciao, Sherlock Holmes.’’ Then he walked over to the door John came in earlier. ‘’Catch.. You.. Later..’’ Sherlock said following Moriarty with his eyes. Moriarty opened the door, ‘’No you won’t!’’ Then he closed it behind him, gone. Sherlock stood still for a few seconds, before dropping the gun to the ground, running over to John. ‘’All right?’’ he mumbled, John tilting his head back and breathing heavily, like he’s been holding his breath the whole time. ‘’Are you alright?” Sherlock repeated, trying his best to take off the bomb west. ‘’Yeah – yeah I’m fine.’’ Sherlock still had problems with removing John’s jacket, and to keep his breathing steady. You dragged your hands through your hair, your brain trying to process everything.

Jim Moriarty is a psychotic crazy killer.

And you still love him.

But he left.

Something tells you he didn’t.

You crouched down to the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest. And then you cried. And cried. Moving into 221C was a mistake. Going to that friend was a mistake. You could hear John and Sherlock’s small conversation between your sobs;

‘’That er.. thing that you, er, that you did..’’ Sherlock struggled to find the words, and you gave up on listening to the two dorks. They said something about stripping clothes off by the pool, and Sherlock got his gun again.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and glanced up at the blonde. ‘’Y/n, it’s ok.’’ He said and helped you up. ‘’You didn’t know that Moriarty was.. Moriarty.’’ You smiled weakly, even though your heart was broken and your eyes was burning. ‘’I guess it’s ok.’’ You murmured and glanced over at Sherlock, who was awkwardly standing there. Then you noticed many red dots move swiftly across his chest. And John’s. But not yours. The boys had taken note of that, and you tried moving, but no dots appeared on you.  You heard a door open at the far end of the room, and Moriarty came in, clapping his hands. ‘’Sorry boys. And miss. But I’m so changeable!’’ John and Sherlock did not seem happy, but  your face lit up at seeing Moriarty again. The Irish man spread his arms wide, ‘’It is a weakness with me but, to be fair to myself, it is one of two weaknesses.” You couldn’t help but wonder what his other weakness was as you looked at him stuff his hands in his pockets before continuing; ‘’You can’t be allowed to continue. You just can’t. I would try to convince you but..” He laughs as his voice becomes sing-song, ‘’… everything I have to say has already crossed your mind!” Sherlock turns to face Moriarty, after giving John and you a questioning look. You immediately understood what he wanted to do, but you didn’t do anything. John nodded. ‘’Probably my answer has crossed yours.” Sherlock said and raised his pistol at Moriarty, who smiled confidently, with no fear in his expression. Sherlock lowers the gun at the jacket. You could hear John’s heavy breathing, see your own shaking body, Feel Sherlock’s calm expression. You glanced at Moriarty, who watched Sherlock with a slight smile.

Honey I'm king. (Moriarty x Reader) -based of BBC Sherlock.Where stories live. Discover now