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The next few days were blissful. Tao was always by my side. Even his friends. They where always by my side. They never left me alone. Not even for a second. They cared and loved me enough to protect me. But, that slowly was starting to change. Tao and his friends grew distant from me. They never talked to me, they never said hi to me. I was starting to get into my old habits again. Tao and his friends where the main reason that I stoped. But now, they are not here to help me. I say Tao and his friends walking towards me before Tao took my hand and pulled me towards the roof, with his friends trailing behind us. "How could you?" His voice sounded broken. "What do you mean?" She asked. "How could you tell them? How could you break your promise?" Chanyeol said. I stared at them with furrowed brows. "I never told anyone." Realization hit me hard. Amilea. I stood up but fell back down. Tao went to help me but I wouldn't allow him too. I looked at him. "I never gave your secret out. But, Amilea did. She has been smirking at me like nothing today. You want to know why?" I asked. They nodded. I explained that it was Amilea that had figured out that they were super human. Tao instantly wrapped me in a hug. "I'm sorry we accused you of telling people." He said. I smiled at him but felt something wet on my shoulder. Tao was......crying. I patted his back. "I'm fine really. Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." I said. Tao smiled at me. "Can. Can I try something?" Tao asked. I raised an eyebrow.

I nodded my head. Tao smiled before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I stiffened but I soon relaxed. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck while his arms wrapped around my waist. His friends and my new friends, stood watch for Amilea and the other students, to make sure nothing happened to me or Tao. When air became needed, we separated. "That was....... that was amazing." Both me and Tao said. We looked at each other and broke into laughter. When we stopped laughing, Tao turned to me and smiled. "Would you like to be, you know, my girlfriend?" He asked me. I looked at him and smiled. "Sure. I would love to be your girlfriend." I said. His smile became bigger and hugged me tightly. When we separated, he intertwined our fingers. "Let's show them that you are worth more than rubies. That you have me as your, handsome boyfriend." Tao said smiling. I started laughing.

When we got into the building again, Amilea stomped up to me and the boys. "How dare you date him!" She screeched. "He is way to handsome for you to be dating." She growled. I shrugged and felt Tao tighten his grip on my hand to reassure me that he wasn't going to leave me. "I'm sorry," Tao said. "But I love her and you can't tell me what to do." Tao said to Amilea. She glared at me and Tao before turning around and leaving. Her camera dropped from her back pocket while she was walking away. I grabbed her camera and opened looked through the pictures. She had taken pictures of the boys and their powers. I deleted ever picture and then smashed the camera. "Now, she doesn't know anymore." I said. The boys and Tao smiled at me.

After school, Tao and the others took me to a dance club. Tao smiled and played one of his solo's T.A.O. I watched as he was singing along with the song and dance to the song. He turned to me and motioned for me to come up. I shook my head but Baekhyun and Chen pushed me up. "Just follow what I do." Tao told me. I nodded and watched his dance moves before falling in sync with him. He grinned at me. I smiled back at him as they restarted the song, but this time with me dancing with them. The boys where cheering both me and Tao on. It eventually turned into a dance battle between me and the boys to see who was the best dancer.

I won after they couldn't keep up. "Wow! I didn't know you could dance like that?!" Tao said, eyes sparkling after watching  me dance. I felt my cheeks heat up from the complement and smiled at him. "Thank you Tao. That means everything to me." I said. He returned the smile and hugged me tightly. I buried my face in his chest and smiled in content.

He watched as you grabbed your bag and the wondered around town for a while before a buzzing noise form Suho's phone maybe them stop. He answered the phone and listened to the person on the other line. Once he ended the call, he turned to the rest of us. "We need to go back to Seoul." He said. My heart dropped, I live in Busan, and they live in Seoul. I felt tears in my eyes. I didn't allow them to fall before I turned and walked the opposite direction. I felt someone take my arm and stop me. "Y/N." I felt my tears fall down my cheeks.

Tao spun me around and hugged me tightly against him. "Why don't you come live with us?" He asked.  "That way you won't get bullied. There is a better school there that you can go too. We can even introduce you to some other groups that go to the school." Tao said sending me one of his killer smiles. I thought about it for a few minutes before I looked back up at him. "If it means I can get away from all the bullying that goes on here, then ya. I would love too." I said smiling at him. He returned the smile and hugged me tightly against his chest.  He felt his heart tug after the words that left my mouth. He stepped back from the hug and place his hands on my cheeks and held my face up. "I promise Y/N, that I will protect you with everything I have." Tao said. I smiled up at him and placed my hands over his. "I believe you." I whispered. He smiled and placed his lips on mine. I smiled. I am finally at home.

If I could, I would stop time to be with you forever Tao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now