Another Date

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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have Weiss cosplay as Anna from Frozen.


  Weiss' POV  

"So what did you think of that movie?" My arm is locked with (Y/N)'s arm as we walk down the sidewalk in the late afternoon. (Y/N) starts to talk with his free hand.

"Well, to be honest, the movie was pretty bad. Almost on every level too."

"Really? Given how optimistic you were about the movie I can't help but feel a little disappointed." He shrugs as we continue our stroll.

"Eh, it happens. Not every movie you watch or every book you read will be a masterpiece or will even be average. This movie was definitely not average." Our walk ends as we enter a park.

"What are you doing (Y/N)?" He points to a nearby park bench.

"Figured we could maybe take a seat and continue our talk. What do ya think?" What? That's kinda weird. I didn't think we talked about this.

"I guess we could though wouldn't that interfere with our dinner reservations?" (Y/N) brushes that to the side with a "pff" which reminds a little too much of my young teammate. A shiver runs down my spine. That's a scary thought.

"Nah we got some time. No need to worry Snow." He laughs as I roll my eyes. He then goes and flops down and pats the space next to him on the bench. Oh well, this can't do too much harm. Carefully I sit down next to my boyfriend who rests his arm around my shoulders.

"So what did you not like about the movie?" He scratches his chin before talking.

"Well for one the story was a little rushed. They never really took time with anything. Like the opening scene for instance. We have those characters in the past doing all their secret-y Illuminati-y stuff and then we cut to almost modern day with the main character as a kid. We go through some weird character establishment that I guess you could call passable then we get a crap ton of just stuff out of nowhere and then cut to the guy's execution." Before he can continue I interrupt him.

"How much exactly is a "crap ton"?" (Y/N) laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Oh haha. Good one Snow. I can see that my patented snark is starting to rub off on you." I smirk and lean against him.

"Oh? And how do you know that I haven't picked that "snark" up from Yang?"

"Nah that doesn't sound like Blondie." I can't help but laugh at his response.

"Alright but back to the main topic. I can agree with you a little bit. The opening of the movie was a little rushed." He nods and continues.

"Also I can't say that the editing was every good either. Like, think of it this way. Every time they were fighting or having action scenes when it was getting good they cut back to the present which was kinda jarring. I know that they wanted to show what was going on in the present and show off just how the machine works but cut to it every now and again. If they cut those down a bit then I may have been able to get into the action more. Though I like how they tried to make the present scenes more interesting than they were in the original source material. I guess that is a plus but that's like saying they have improved a broken scroll by giving you a defective scroll." It still surprises me just how much he likes digging into these. Soon enough I notice that the only light source that is nearby is the street lamp in the park. Oh no. Shaking my head I start to get up.

"Hey Snow what's up?" Looking over at him I straighten my dress.

"We got caught up talking that more time went by than we thought would. We will be late for our dinner reservation." When I try and get up (Y/N) pulls me back down to the bench. "(Y/N) what are you doing?"

"Oh come on Snow we got time." He puts his arm around my shoulder and tries to get me to relax. What on earth is he doing? Does he want us to be late?

"What are you doing? We need to get to the restaurant now if we want to make our reservation." He shakes that off.

"Nah we still got time."

"What are you-" Before I can finish a loud bang and a flash of color lights up the sky. Looking up another splash of color lights up the sky and soon more fireworks join it. While the other bangs go off I look back to see a proud (Y/N) who is beaming with happiness. "You planned this didn't you?"


"You sly devil." His smile grows more.

"Hey, that works out pretty well. A sly devil to your snow angel." I punch his arm making him laugh a little. "So what do you think? Good surprise?" Smiling I lean back onto him.

"Yes, it was a lovely surprise. Though I do have to ask about our dinner."

"Oh don't worry about that."

"You never scheduled our reservation did you?" He scoffs.

"No of course I did. I just scheduled it later then you thought." Clever boy.

"Well you tricked me but it was a good surprise so I will let you off the hook." After that, we watch the rest of the fireworks.


Alright that's it. I know there isn't much I just felt like adding some fluff to it. Show the two characters interacting together as a couple. Well I hope everyone like this story. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.

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