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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would provide more ship tease for Monochrome. At least enough to make it a valid ship in my mind.


A Week Later

Weiss's POV

Sighing I sit down on a park bench and try to relax. I haven't seen (Y/N) since he helped us fight Torchwick a week ago and I for the life of me I can not find that dunce anywhere. When I want to find him I can't find a trace of him yet when I am trying to just walk around Vale I run into him everywhere. I am almost starting to think he was stalking me with how hard it is to find him now. No, he wasn't stalking you, Weiss. You are just assuming he is like so many others that you have had to deal with in the past. From how he as treated me and acted around me I don't think he is like all of them. He has not shown any of the same traits as those in the past and even in his little actions he has always treated me like any other person. Plus if he was like the others and only wanted me for my connections and wealth why would he try to help me with my relationship problems? That would be the opposite of what his goals would be. While sitting there a shadow overcomes comes me. Looking up I am greeted by the same goofy grin of the young man I was looking for.

"Hey, Snow." He makes like he is going to say something else but I lounge and hug him. "Whoa Snow I don't know what's gotten into you but I kinda like it." I shoot him a glare.

"What do you mean what's gotten into me?! Last I saw you was when you were thrown off the highway by the Atlesian Paladin! Which by the way was a week ago!" He laughs and rubs one of his ears.

"Hey, now no need to shout like that." He laughs a bit more as I scowl at him. "Geez, I didn't know you cared so much. I'm touched."

"You dunce. I was only worried about you because I am not some heartless witch. Don't read too much into it." He grins again while looking at me.

"Oh? Then why are you still hugging me?" Looking down I see that my arms are still around him and his are still around me. I feel my face heat up as I unwrap my arms from him and try to pull away. Luckily he doesn't resist my efforts which judging by his looks and from how he performed while fighting the mech if he wanted to hold onto me then he could. Crossing my arms I look away from him with a huff.

"I wasn't hugging you." He laughs again and I shoot him the best glare I can. "I can't believe I spent my time looking for a dunce like you."

"Yeah what's up with that? Did you need something?"

"I was looking for you to see if you were okay remember?!" He thinks for a second before nodding.

"Fair enough Snow. Fair enough." His goofy grin turns into a smaller smile. "Thank you for that. I am sorry if I caused you to worry." His words are sincere and his voice loses the joking tone to it. Maybe he is not as childish as I thought.

"As you should be." Uncrossing my arms I look at him again. "I am glad you are okay." The large grin quickly returns as he rubs the back of his head. "So what happened to you anyways? I know Sun landed near a little food stand and just ate some dinner but he did not see you land nearby him." He stops rubbing his head.

"Oh well as luck would have it I landed in a dumpster." Before I can ask he answers me. "No nothing was broken and I am not hurt or anything like that though I did stink to high heaven afterwards so maybe it was a good thing you and your friends hadn't found me. Would have been a less than stellar first impression for the rest of your team."

"Well given how well you handled yourself in the fight both my other teammates and Sun were impressed so I believe you made a good enough impression on them."

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