Chapter 1

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I woke in our king sized bed, feeling beside me for Derrick. It took me a second, because of the sheets being so big. Today was our 4th anniversary, and I planned on spending the day with him while Kyle, our son, went to stay with Derrick's mother. he was only 2 and already understood that mommy and daddy needed time for themselves. Kyle was Derrick's little clone. I couldn't dare ask for two better men in my life. 

Of course, celebrating our marriage together made things that much better. As I lay next to my husband, I wondered what we would be doing today, and hopefully tonight. Now that I've had a change to think about it, I have no clue what he could possibly have planned.

The loud, constant rings of Derrick's cell phone chimed into my thoughts. I quickly reached over to grab it off of the nightstand, careful not to wake him. "Hello", I asked. The high pitched voice of Derrick's manager, Jaques, shot through the phone. "Hey Mel! Hows my favorite NBA wife?" I let out a bug yawn and replied sleepily," Jaques, you do know it's his day off right?" "Of course! I was only calling to wish you both a very lovely anniversary, and to.. ya know what nevermind." He hung up.

I sowly shook my head and reached over again to put the phone back on its dock. Suddenly, I was pulled roughly towards the bed. "UMPH", I grunted, "Baby, go back to sleep, I was suposed to make you breakfast". He smirked, " Mel I think I'm supposed to be treating YOU today." " Fine, but I'm in control tonight." I whispered knowing that he could never resist my pleasures in the bedroom.

I started to roll off of him, until he made his grip around my waist tighter. " Where's my sugar" he grinned. "Downstairs in the pantry where you left it, but I think you need to get with that mouthwash first" I winked, I could here him curse under his breath as I huried out of the room. 

When I reached the end of the hallway, I quietly opened the door to Kyle's room. He had just started to balance himself on the side of his crib. When he saw me his eyes lit up. He started to mumble little sounds trying his best to make them understandable. I reached to lift him out of his crib, " How's mommy's baby" all he did was smile awith a drool covered faced, only a mother could love. "Let's get you dressed for grandma's". 

I rummaged through his drawers, looking only for the clothes Derrick's mother had given him for christmases and birthdays. Lord knows that would would have a fit if she saw Kyle in anything but the designer onsies she'd bought for him. "Mel!" Derrick yelled. "Yes!" "I can't find the syrup!". "Did you look for the syrup?!" "Nevermind!". I swear, sometimes I feel like even when I'm not working, I still am. 

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