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3 years ago...

I carefully treaded my way into the fiction section while pushing the cart full of borrowed books. I pulled out the ladder to put the books back to their places. As I put the last book to its rightful place, I cant help but look past outside the big window, I comfortably sat myself at the foot of the ladder.

'Its raining again, must be one of the reasons why the library is full'

I peek beyond the books to see students swarming the once vacant tables. Others were just texting, while others were giggling and whispering talks with their friends.

'Friends. I wish I have one.'

I sighed. The reason why I chose to work at the library is because the likelihood of talking to someone for a long time is UN-likely. I got this thing going on that if I talk too long with someone most especially with my opposite sex, I suffocate. Every time someone talks to me for more than a minute, I'll feel uneasy and the surge of having difficulty of breathing kicks in. I have been like this ever since I can remember. It got worst when I was in elementary and had a puking incident. My parents try to talk me out about seeing again a shrink but I down-right refused them thinking it could never help me, that there's nothing wrong with me and that I’m perfectly normal. I'm trying to overcome my panic attack. I sighed again and glance back at the window.

" Eherm...Excuse me"

I was startled by the voice behind me so I quickly stood up and spun around. I wish I didn’t look at him directly because if the famous word ‘‘Looks can melt’’ were literally true I would’ve probably melted right there and then. He is really gorgeous, the kind of gorgeous that would scare the hell-out-of-your panties. Scratch the gorgeous let's just say H-O-T as in sizzling HOT.

'What am I saying?'

He stood there like a piece of art. He was just so out of place. I blink twice to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

'What's the like of him doing inside the library I wonder’?

"Can you tell me where the non-fiction section is?"

'Sympatico voice'

Still staring at him I pointed out the parallel section behind him. I was just looking at him with my eyes probably bulging and I’m not so sure myself if I would’ve probably drooled or what my face looks like from his point of view because before he turned around I swore I heard him chuckled.

'eeeehhhh!!!.... Is there something on my face?' I wonder. I cupped myself and even cupped my mouth just to be sure, luckily I found nothing. I scoff. 'I’m that amusing huh?' I snap back to my senses when Mrs. Barden, the school librarian shushed the female students and before I knew it a group of females suddenly crowded the guy as if he was some artist. I watched the guy being whisk away by the flock of girls like a predator and its prey. Uninterested, I pushed the cart back to the storage room but before I could do that I caught a glimpse of someone familiar at the corner of the storage room.

He was calmly standing there with his everyday serious face. Other than him there was another person there, a girl, and judging by the way the girl is fidgeting and having a hard time talking to him, I can tell that the girl is self-proclaiming her love to the guy. I know its bad to eavesdrop but I can’t help it since they're at my right of way to the storage room. Nervous, I hid behind the bookshelves closer to them.

"I like you and ever since that day I've never stop liking you, please...please go out with me?"


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