I thought I knew you

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Authors note: WARNING
This chapter contains some gruesome scenes if you are scared of blood I suggest you don't read the paragraph's with the Stars but honestly it's not that bad.

Big ben struck twelve at midnight and the roads were quiet and dark with only hints of streetlights showing the path. Rain and thunder began to battle, and I must find my friends house right away. I picked up my luggage and began to run as the rain began to get heavier. All of the houses were tight together side by side. I started to get an uneasy feeling about this place people going missing the newspaper shown found dead on this street all alone. I shook the thought out of my head as I approached his house.

When i arrived i noticed the garden was really green and bland, Chris was never a big fan of gardening but there seemed to be a lot of this strange silvery looking plants.


I jumped at the sound of bins being thrown on the ground almost scaring the life out of me. I quickly grabbed the shovel out from the dirt and held it tight in my hand. ''WHO'S THERE!?'' I yelled into the darkness a great big shadow hovered above me getting bigger and bigger I ran to the side of the house with the shovel above my head only to find nothing but a creepy black cat glaring at me with big red bulging eyes. I let out a sigh of relief and walked away slowly from the cat. I hope Chris doesn't mind if I'm eight hours early maybe I should've checked the time in London instead of Melbourne.

I slowly began walking up the wooden steps.


He seriously have to do something about these steps I thought to myself. As I approached the door I saw something dripping down it. I softly touched the dark liquid. ''Must be wet paint'' I said while I was trying to get my keys. And of course the door wouldn't budge. There must be something blocking the door I pulled up my sleeves and stepped back ''Ok on the count of three "one...two...THREE!!!!" I ran straight into the door hitting hard as it had opened with a snap. As I stared into the darkness I could here the shower in the distance from upstairs.

As I closed the door behind me some kind of cylinder shaped thing was on the ground I stepped over it easily, but failed to know that the floor was wet ''AAHH!'' .


My back was aching, my head was throbbing and I was all wet with a side of something that smelt real bad, I ran my hand up the wall trying to find the light switch.


''What the?!'' When I looked down at my hands and arms. they were all red I started to shake. fear started to over come me but curiosity over powered me. ⭐️My eye's followed the trail of blood first I saw a pale leg with blobs of red on it my eye's automatically looked up in shock. There right next to me was a blond haired lady in her late twenties with her eyes pale and with a huge bite mark on her neck still oozing with blood.⭐️

I started hyperventilating I just wanted to scream but I was too shock to have anything come out of my mouth I crawled back slowly ''that can't be real, that can't be'' I kept whispering to my self. the shower stopped and a couple of seconds later there were footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to Chris who seemed to be ignorant to the situation. He came down the stairs with one towel around his waste and another resting on his solders while drying his long hair.

He just kept walking down the stairs not reacting to the girl, he stopped dead in his tracks though... when he saw me. he looked from me who had tears poring down my eyes too the pale white girl with blood all over her ''Erica... you're here early''.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and sorry if it's really short. Yes this is an original story I actually came up with it in year 8 English class. I won't be able to publish new chapters very often because school started and I already got a lot of homework and I'm also writing other stories at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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