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I'm running out of title names so I got random letters for y'all
Key. Choice one is bold Choice two is italics

I stood there for a minute before it stopped shaking. I walked to the stairs and walked to my room. I stopped and saw Adam's door.

" You're stupid and I only took you in cause I felt bad" I heard Adam's voice in my head.

" Stop it" I whispered, talking to no one in particular, walking into my room.

I sat on my bed and just thought. I promised I wouldn't let the voices in my head get to me. I let down everyone. The tears started coming. I can't do anything. I can't even stop voices from getting to me. I took a deep breath.

" Okay. Just calm down. You can act. You're good at that" I told myself.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling. They were lies. After another five minutes I heard a knock on the door. I freaked out. I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could. I looked out the peep hole and sighed in relief. It was Red. I opened the door and put on my best smile.

" Hey Red" I said.

" Hey I'm glad you're feeling better. How are you?" he asked. I moved to the side to let him in. I was glad he was addressing it the way he was. I really didn't want to talk about it.

" I'm good" I answered. " I never loved you. Only pretend" I heard in my head. I felt my smile falter a little. He didn't notice though.

" Well I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out to eat?" he asked.

My hand started to shake again. I put it behind my back and held it in my other. " Um if you don't mind I would just like to eat at home."

" Oh it's no problem. I can make something of you want" he offered.

I nodded my head and said " Can you do that. I haven't had a shower in a week"

He smiled " Go ahead I'll be down here" he said walking off to the kitchen.

" Thanks" I said. Without waiting for a response I went back up the stairs.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

Reds POV 

She seems different. Like she is distancing herself from me. I mean she was kidnapped/ was in the hospital for a week but I think that would make her want to be closer to us. Adam told us not to ask about it. That it was too soon to ask and she should tell us herself. But she seems like she has no intention of telling us. I looked around Adam's kitchen for something to make us. I found some pasta and decided that was what I would make. I want to help her. I really do. I put the water in the pot and started to boil it. I can't believe I messed up as to think she would cheat on me. I loved her. Love. No past tense. Well we all love her but I love her more. I heard music coming from the bathroom. I smiled. She hates it when it's too quiet. I put my elbows on the island and stared out the window. I remember when she used to run off to who knows where. She had nervous breakdowns then. Maybe that's what happened to her when she was first brought to the hospital. I checked on the water and it was boiling. I put the pasta in and went back to my position looking out the window. I hope she's okay. From what I've seen she's fine. But she is good at hiding things. I wouldn't expect her to be fine. Hell no one would be fine after what she went through. And the fact she is so well put together after her past is amazing. She is so strong. She has been to hell and back. Twice. And that's why I love her so much.

I must have zoned out cause y/n came back and yelled at me for keeping the pasta on for to long. It was starting to bubble. " I said I was sorry" I said.

" But the poor pasta. You're lucky I have no spatula" she said laughing.

I laughed " I am very fortunate"

She smiled at me. She still had wet hair. She didn't like to blow dry her hair. I remember her telling me that when we went shopping. I offered to buy her one but she didn't want one. Said she didn't like them.

" You're zoning out again" she said putting the pasta on plates.

I laughed " Sorry" I walked over to the table and sat down.

" No problem" she said turning around with the food.

Your POV

So far I was keeping it together. I had the voice in the back of my head. Telling me all the things I heard. I was trying to control it. He hadn't noticed it so I considered it was a win for me.

" You're zoning out again" I said putting the pasta on two plates.

" Sorry" he said laughing and walking over and sitting at the table.

" No problem" I said turning around with the food in my hands.

I looked right into his eyes. I froze in place. The voices got louder. I never loved you. It was just that sentence over and over. Please stop please stop I said to the voices in my head. I. Never. Loved. You. It said. My hands started to shake. I couldn't stop it.

" Y/n. Y/n what's wrong?" Red asked.

" I I um" I said. My hand continued to sake.

" What's wrong" he asked getting up and coming over to where I was frozen.

I gasped as I dropped the plates. They crashed on the floor. Pieces of broken glass and pasta was on the floor.

" I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry" I said. I didn't take me eyes off the broken plates.

" Hey it's okay" he said.

" I uh. I" I said. I couldn't think of anything to say.

" I'm sorry" I whispered. Then I ran up the stairs.

I went straight to my room and locked the door. I leaned against the door and took deep breaths.

Calm down. Just calm down! I yelled in my brain.

Hope you guys liked it. Have a good day/night

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