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I was so thankful for Jace. Its only been a few days since the Jem incident, but the boys are still angry about it. I try my best to keep them calm, but sometimes they both just explode.

This morning I was making pancakes, when Xander slammed his fist on the table. "We need to get him back. What you did wasn't enough." Jace nodded in agreement. "I'll invite him over and we can get him then."

"No!" I screeched. "No no no. It happened days ago. What you're gonna do is forget about it. And you're gonna shut up about it, because today is me and my moms last day together. And I am not gonna let you two idiots ruin my day." I slammed their plates on the table and stalked off into my room. I picked up my phone and saw my mom messaged me.

Momma: went to get Starbucks, on my way now. 5 minutes xx

I quickly threw on some jeans and a tye dye shirt, put my hair into a messy ponytail, and slipped on my Adidas Superstars. There was a knock on my door as I was doing my makeup. "Come in." I said, slightly annoyed. It was Xander and Jace. "What do you guys want?" I groaned.

"Where are you going?" Jace asked. "My mom and I are going to hang out for awhile. Will you be okay without me Xander?" He brought his head up, tears running down his face. "I'm sorry Katie, I didn't mean to say that. I was just mad. Please dont hate me." He said. I gave him a hug, comforting him. "I could never hate you Xander. No matter what, you're always going to be my brother. You too Jace." I smiled at him. He seemed a little left out, so I grabbed him and we all had a group hug. I pulled out when my phone buzzed.

Momma: here

I gave the boys a quick hug and said bye. I got in the passenger side of the car. "So where to first mother?" She laughed. "I was thinking we could just go walk around, you can show me around L.A. Maybe run into a famous person or two." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I laughed. "Well I'm not sure I know all the hotspots, I haven't been here for very long, but I can try."

"Well I've always wanted to try In-N-Out." My mom said. "Okay, we'll take a left here and then it should be on your right." When we got to In-N-Out, my mom nearly bought everything on the menu.

"There is no way you'll be able to finish all of this." I laughed. "I want to try everything. Plus, YOLO!" And took a bite of her burger.


After In-N-Out, we parked the car in a public parking area, and walked around. We visited small stores, not buying anything, but just checking for any "hotspots". We were in an antique store.

"Woah Kates, look at this doll. Super old, super creepy. Guaranteed 100% to give you nightmares. Let's get it and put it on the table between our bedrooms so that way when one of us leaves our rooms we'll always get super scared." I was wheezing. "Mom, what the heck is wrong with you?" I asked with tears pouring out of my eyes. She shrugged. "Not sure, but it does explain a lot about you doesn't it?" I nodded, still laughing. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Jace: what do you want for dinner?
Me: mmmm how about some LASAGA
Jace: didn't we have LASAGA last night?
Me: you can never have too much lasaga jace. The fact that you think so really hurts my feelings.
Jace': I apologize. How about I get like, 12 loaves of garlic bread
Jace: you sure know how to win a woman's heart. <3 thanks normen
Jace: call me that again and no garlic bread

I chuckled to myself, putting my phone back in my pocket. "What's so funny punk?" My mom asked. "Jace." She oooed. "What? We're just friends." My mom rolled her eyes. "Might want to tell him that." She muttered. I gasped. "Mother! Jace does not like me! We're like brother and sister. Nothing more." She muttered something I couldn't hear, and I shoved her shoulder. "What was that for!"

"For making me doubt my friendships." She groaned. "I'm sorry, it's just... The way he looks at you, talks to you... I swear there's something there." I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Katie. If he ever offers to take you out, or if you ever start to catch feelings. At least consider the idea of being with him. He's a very good guy, extremely sweet, and probably head over heels for you from what I can see."

"Yeah... Okay." I said, defeated. Did Jace really have feelings for me?


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long :/ and ik the ending is kinda crappy but I mean an update is an update

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