Meeting the pasta family pt 3

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After finishing his.....Intereting converesation with Clockwork Y/n made his way to Janes door and prepared for his next encounter.

Y/n Pov

I was stood by Janes door, mentally preparing myself before I knocked at her door and waited for a response. "Its Open!" A voice shouted from inside. I slowly opened the door and peered inside the room to see where Jane was. To my relief I saw her laying on her bed reading a magazine of some sort which made me relax now that I knew where she was. I opened the door walked in and closed it.  But when I turned around I was met with Jane stood face to face with me making me jump back into the door in surprise. " When did you- You was just- How?!" I stammered trying to figure out how she got from her bed to behind me so fast. "*Giggles* Sorry you completely let your guard down so I couldnt resist." she teased. "Why am I not surprised... But still doesnt explain how you got behind me so fast." I said. "I'm very fast and very stong when I want to be, a normal person would'nt stand a chance." She said clearly proud of her abilities. "I can tell, if you were out to kill me im pretty sure it would be over befor it even started." I said rubbing the back of my head as I admitted defeat. Now that I got a better look at her I was astonished at how pretty she was, her skin was white like porculin and had a very slim and athletic figure. But what caught my eye the most was her pitch black eyes and raven black hair which stood out even more thanks to her porculin skin. She was wearing a White t-shirt  and black shorts which made her figure stand out even more.  But what got to me the most was her eyes, they amazed me to no end. Her eyes looked like 2 empty voids which for some reason didnt scare you in the slightest. "It must be thanks to all the weird and crazy shit ive seen up until now." I thought to myslef.

I then noticed Jane stood there with her arms crossed watching me which made me snap out of my thoughts before she spoke. "You done Gawking at me?" She asked. " I uhh s-sorry I didnt mean to-" I said slightly flustered before Jane cut me off. "Its fine, to be honest I was expecting you to be scared of me but yet you're completely fine" she said slightly disappointed.  "Nah Im more surprised than scared to be honest." I told her. "Oh? And why is that?" she asked. "Im surprised at how hot you all are to be honest. And besides Jess everyone seems to be really nice." my face became slightly red from the embarrassment at what I was telling her. "Im starting to wonder if you hit your head too hard but thanks anyway that means alot." She says with a small smile. "Oh yeh speaking of Jess, what happened with your little run-in with her? Slenda told us some of the story but not everything." She asked clearly interested in how you managed to escape. " Well, I heard my window break in the other room  so I went to check it out. What I didnt know was that jess had some how got in and hid behind the door in the shadows. After I checked the room I was about to leave but something felt off which is when Jess showed herself. After dodging some of her attacks I bolted downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed a frying pan and did the same thing she did, I hid behind the door. When she came in she thought I had hid in the closet and tried to jump me only to find I wasnt in there and before she could turn around I knocked her out." Jane couldnt help but laugh at how you beat Jess at her own game and how you owned her with a frying pan. "Hahahaha serves her right for not being more careful, no wonder she lost." She said. I noticed some malice behind her words and decided to ask her about it. " Do you two not get along or something?" "Can't stand each other" She said without hesitation. "We always get into fights, some of which have gone as far as to draw blood but slenda always stops us." She continued. "What about the others?" I asked. "No its just us two that dont get along, we're like water and oil we just dont mix at all." She explained. "Any idea why?" " I'm not really sure, we just cant stand each other" Jane said clearly getting slightly annoyed by just the thought of Jess. "Anyway how are you feeling?" Jane suddenly asked leaving me confused."Huh?" "*Sigh*How are you feeling after Slenda turned you into a human ragdoll?" she asked. "Oh right, yeh im fine now just a bit sore is all. " Her concern for me caught me off guard but I was thankful none the less. "Are you really a killer? You seem far too kind to go out and kill people for fun." I quickly regretted my question as Jane effortlessly grabbed me, pinned me to the floor and held a knife to my cheek that she seemingly pulled out of nowhere. "You left your self open again" she said with a smirk. "Ouch...How about next time you just tell me not to drop my guard..." I said to her slightly annoyed. " How about next time you dont get so comfortable around someone who can kill you before you can even blink." she retorted. "Fair enough but with how strong and fast you are I doubt keeping my guard up would really help me" "True" She said before she got off me and proceeded to help me up, I could tell she wasnt kidding about her strength I could feel it in her arms when she pinned me down and when she helped me up. Her arms didnt look like they could hold such monsterous strength but looks can be decieving.

"Oh thats right I didnt get your name." She said patting herself off. "Y/n, Y/n L/n" I told her. "Alright just call me Jane" she said before asking about Jess. "So Y/n, whats your plan with Jess? I doubt she will be happy to see you after what happened." "Oh my plan is simple,  dont piss her off and if I do I will book it back to my room until she cools off." I explained with a massive smirk as I tried to stop myself from laughing. "Hahahaha you got it all planned out, havent you ?" She said in between her fits of laughter. "Hey, its the best I got right now." "Good luck with that." Jane says, finally calming down. "Thanks im gona need it." "I guess I will see you later then" Jane said seeing me out of the room. "Yeh I hope so" I said as I left the room to make one final dreaded stop for the night.

Okay I dont know how I feel about this chapter so tell me what you think of it. I feel like it might be a bit short but that might just be me worrying too much.

Anyway the next chapter will be the last of the meet the pasta chapters and I will be moving onto your daily life with these crazy girls. Ive got some ideas for adding in some new characters along the way and Ive got a rough idea on how I may try to end it in the future (dont worry that shouldnt be any time soon) which should be fairly interesting.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you all in the next chapter.

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