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Hello There! Yes, Tisith my date of birth. It was...okay. I got a snowday again, even though I'd rater go to school with my friends but 5 his is good too. Most people forgot but oh well. It's Quite funny actually, one of my friend texted me "how's your snowday?" and I texted back "boaring my mom is making me watch old movies and the price is right."
"That sucks, I got my new iPhone 7 to work though!" And I'm like... You kidding me? And no today is not her birthday as well. Or Christmas. Or Kwanzaa. Or a holiday of any foarm. Anyway, she texts me again 4 hours later,
"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! DID I BEAT *insert name here!?!?*"

But yeah, so here are the walk through screen shots:

But yeah, so here are the walk through screen shots:

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aAAAAAAAAnDdddd here is the final drawing!!!!

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aAAAAAAAAnDdddd here is the final drawing!!!!

There you go! Also, guess what I got for my birthday

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There you go! Also, guess what I got for my birthday...


YAAAASSS So, You should be expecting some better digital art along the way

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So, You should be expecting some better digital art along the way... I mean, probobally not SOON soon because I don't quite know how to work it yet, and I'll need to get used to it. So actually for a week or so I'll probobally be posting regular drawings with mabey an attempt at digital art from my computer.
So yea.

Hope you liked it!💻🎨

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