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☀next day☀

Keke's pov

So last night I was up talking to prod he was just filling me in in what's been going on. And may I say that stuff is cra cra but right now I'm on my way over there to surprise prod my family trip ended early because at the family reunion lets just say things got a little heated and the grill went flying. I hope all the drama is down to a minimum.

*rings the door bell*

???-who is it

Me- the mail man I have a special package *in a deep voice*

???- *opens the door* keke (jumps on her) I missed u

Me- I was only gone for like 3 days

Tea- 3 days to long

Me- so good morning u look kinda happy

Tea- yeah that's cuz ur here other than that I would be sad

Me- oh-no what happened

Tea- well me and prince got in to an argument last night

Me- an that's a bad thing because

Tea- I was starting to really like him

Me- o__o does ace know

Tea- right now I really dont care

Me- well dang what I miss

Tea- *starts to tell what happened the last few days*

Me- dannnnng y'all r something else

Tea- so I've been told

(hears prod coming down the steps)

Tea- key hide that's prod

I hide on the other side of the couch

Prod- hey tea

Tea- gm *pats the seat next to her* come sit for a sec (prod sits)

Prod- yesss

Tea- 1 4 3 smiley with a wink

Prod- what

Prod is so silly I pop up from behind the couch and sit on his lap

Prod- keke!!!!!!! What r u doing here u was just in Kansa

Me- we left early

Prod- *kisses keke for a long time*

Me- wow why was that for

Prod- I missed u

Me- well In That case *keke kisses him long* I missed u to

Tea- *hugs both of them* I missed you guys to *we laugh*

Ray's pov

Ughhh life gets on my nervous. What I said yesterday of course it was for ace she never sees that he loves tea and I love her but I guess I'll just have to move on.

*cellphone rings*

Ray- hello

????- uh hey ray I just wanted to know if we could meet up to day I feel bad fur the way things ended

Ray- yeah meet at the park in a few

????- ok see ya there

I guess moving on is gonna be easy.

Roc's pov

So last night was kinda awkward... And I guess prince fount out I like tea. I never told him cuz I knew he'll be mad. But he didn't seem mad at me well yet anyway. I took a shower and u no my hygiene stuff and got dressed. Then went down stairs for breakfast. (tea walks up behind roc and puts her hands over his eyes)

Tea- guess who

Me- I don't know give me hint *she kissed my neck*

Tea- now who

Me- let me guess my baby Lauren London

Tea- (smacks the back of his head playfully) really

Me- sike

I turn tea around now we're face to face and i grab her around her waist

Me- I knew it was my boo

Tea- oh so I'm ur boo now

Me- its up to u

Tea-*smiles* I'll think about it (prod and keke walks in the kitchen)

Prod- wohhh whats goin on in here

Tea-* pulls away* nothing bout to make breakfast for everyone come key y'all to may leave now.

Ace's pov

I woke smelling bacon and eggs. Fat I know but every since the hole argument nobody been cooking. So I did my morning bathing and stuff and got dressed in some sweat pants and a tank top with my fuzzy socks. And went down stairs to the kitchen.

Me- heyy keyyyy

Keke-heyy ace

Me- gm tea


Me- what can I help with

Keke- can u mix the pancake batter

Ray's pov

So I got ready to meet ???? At the park. On my way out the door I smelt bacon so I ran to the kitchen.

Me- bacon!!!!!! (runs over to the bacon)

Keke- I wish u would

Ray- uhhh but I'm bout to leave can I just get some now

Tea- sure but don't take it all

Me-yayyyy thanks(grabs some bacon) see yall later

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