-4. When The Music Is Over-

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~For the music is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends.
Music is your only friend until the end. ~

One of the downsides of being famous was that wherever you went at least somebody recognised you and nothing you did went unobserved. Not that Brian was trying to hide Celeste, certainly not, but he would prefer it, if she didn't meet any of the others, even if he doubted that she would be interested in them, when she hardly had acknowledged him.

Alone getting her to go to the studio with him had been exhausting and Brian hoped it would really be worth the effort. He didn't like working for something that didn't pay off in the end, but he still suspected that it was just a stupid act to keep him interested anyway and he would have her faster out of her clothes than she could blink.

Although, he had to admit she looked good in them as well. It wasn't anything exciting, but she had class.

She wore a brown checked ensemble with volant details at the waist and her hands. It really was nothing extraordinary, but there was something about her that made it special. Brian couldn't really describe it, but Celeste definitely had something and he wondered why she hadn't tried to get into the fashion/movie scene like her sister. From what he had seen Celeste would have had far better chances than Marion. She was nothing extra, just another pretty face, but Celeste had character. The only thing she would have needed to do was perhaps lose a few pounds. She certainly was not fat, but she was not thin enough to be a model.

"Thanks for the invitation," she greeted him when he picked her up at hers. He still found it confusing that she was living with Marion and he hadn't seen her once. Brian definitely wanted to ask her about it, but thought better of it. It wouldn't score him any points in her favour and he certainly could use some.

"No problem, I owed you that much after what happened," he said and put an arm on her lower back to lead her outside, where his car parked. She didn't oppose to it and Brian took it as a good sign. After all he had been nothing but nice to her since his offer. He had let her decide the time, the date, because apparently she was much busier than him and was even now picking her up. Brian definitely had been nothing but a gentleman to her and he was sure it would pay off in the end, if he played his card right.

Throughout the car ride, he tried to make some small talk with her, but again she seemed rather reserved nearly as if she didn't want to talk about herself. Usually whenever Brian showed interest in somebody they were ecstatic to tell him about their lives and Celeste wasn't. Leading him to settle for a topic he at least know she was passionate about and had no problem to talk about: Music.

He still didn't know if she played an instrument or anything more personal, but at least she was able to follow him and even add something to the discussion. Brian didn't want to discredit anyone, but there were a lot of musician that knew nothing more than the basics and it was refreshing to meet somebody that could easily keep up with him. Celeste could read notes and definitely had a proper musical training.

Brian had already suspected a few times that Marion came from a family that was better off and Celeste's education seemed to underline it, but why was she working as a waitress then? She probably didn't have to work or she could have found a better job easily. He would have asked her, but he doubted he would get a reply anyway and as long as everything worked well between the two of them, he wouldn't risk his chances.

Especially when he doubted it mattered much in the end.

Depending on how today went, he probably wouldn't even call her up again.


Brian decided that Celeste had definitely been in a studio before or at least it hadn't made an impact on her. He had expected her to be excited at the sight considering how much she was interested in music, but she hardly seemed fazed. On the contrary Brian could have sworn she had seemed sad for a moment, even if he had no idea why. Celeste definitely had a secret, not that Brian cared much. He was curious yes, but finding it out sounded like too much of an effort to him when he just wanted to spend the night with her.

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