- 18. If Love Is the Drug (Epilogue) -

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~"I break it down again for love .
I sing the songs you've been dreaming of 
And maybe now you'll hear what I'm saying
Up all night while you're keeping me waiting~"


A.N.: Read at your own risk. 😋

Marion's tea was untouched and she assumed that it was cold by now anyway. Not that she had wanted it in the first place, Cel's fascination with tea was something she never would understand. Why have a tea at 5 o'clock, when you could have instead  a nice glass of red wine?

Marion could understand that Celeste didn't want to get drunk, after all her sister was the most responsible person she knew, but that they didn't even have anything to drink in the house for guests was beyond her understanding.

Absent mindly Marion turned the spoon around in her cup anyway. She could have joined her sister in the living room, but she didn't want to see Bob. How Celeste still could be with him was another thing beyond her understanding.

He had threaten her like shit as far as Marion was concerned and didn't deserve a second look. For the sake of her sister and David she tolerated him though, whenever she saw him, which was luckily not that often. Celeste really had a talent to attract assholes and then get pregnant by them, Marion thought sighing, while glancing at the small portable baby basket thing on the table.

Though Marion had to admit that Brian was the cutest thing she'd ever seen, and the fact that she was godmother made her proud, she didn't envy Celeste who now had to care for two children by two different fathers, who both weren't exactly what one might consider good father material nor easy going people.

"I hope for your sake, you won't be such an asshole as your father, Bri. Though I fear you'll break as many hearts."

The baby didn't react and kept on sleeping peacefully in its bed and Marion smiled. If Brian had done one thing right then it was to at least contribute his looks for the child. Celeste would take care off the rest, she had this natural talent at being a mother and a good one at that. Both Brian and David would never miss a thing.

"But your mother will make sure that it won't go to your head, I'm sure. You know I'm nearly jealous that your mother is only my sister and not my mother too. She'll always be there for you and love you. No matter what, you can rely on her and you have a big brother, who'll look out for you as well..."

Brian stirred and Marion walked around to rock his bed slowly to make him fall back asleep. She wasn't sure if she was already up for the challenge to deal with a crying baby, but little Bri only let out a deep breath and didn't wake. Marion found babies adorable, especially Brian - despite her not exactly caring for children that much-  she had to smile. "You're such an angel... One seriously can only hope for your sake that your good looks are the only thing you inherited from your father. Though you should be more consequent than your mother and don't chase after people that aren't worth it. Your father at least followed the things he wanted and was clever enough to fall in love with somebody like your mother..." Marion sighed. "But beside that, always listen to your mother or your aunt."

"For his sake I hope he doesn't listen to you. The last time David did, he got lost in the wood."

Marion blushed. She hadn't exactly meant for her sister to hear that, this was something between Bri and her and Celeste's accusation was unfair. It hadn't been her fault that David had got lost, how should she have known that he wouldn't find his way back... She cleared her throat and turned around to her sister, who was standing in the doorway holding two cups. 

If Love Is the Drug [Brian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now