When Angels Cry - HAIDER

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I worked at a local coffee shop in Dumaguete City, Philippines. Our place was dubbed as one of the best places to retire in the World. Many foreigners young and old, male and females visit our place. Most of the customers in our coffee shop are foreigners, most are just staying for a few days and others chose to live here.

I made many friends at the coffee shop, and one of them is Haider. He never told me his nationality; He's mysterious and only speaks when we are alone. The only time I heard his voice in public was when he accidentally stepped on a man's shoe and politely uttered "sorry". He was a regular customer since he came in our place about 2 weeks from now. He is pale, 6 foot tall, petite and fragile looking fellow. One thing i noticed about him is his bright blue eyes. We all heard about the quote "the eyes are the windows to our soul", well... let's say, his windows are wide open. Once I stared to his eyes I felt like falling into a pit of darkness. You might be thinking he is a freak, no he's not, he is actually a charming guy, and I became fond of him in just a week of talking with him every time he visits the coffee shop.

I felt very comfortable talking to him as he was comfortable with me. Didn't take long until we began dating, he waits for me till my shift ends and we usually go to the boulevard and eat tempura and "balut". If you ever come to the Philippines, you must try out "balut". Haider was a gentle man, he never mentioned about sex or anything, he just wants to be with me. It made me love him more.

This morning he came to the coffee shop, I can sense the sadness in his face and in his aura. I asked him about the problem but he said nothing. I stared at his eyes and again i felt that feeling... that feeling of being pulled down. Then he left without saying anything. At lunch break he came and told me to see him in the boulevard, on the usual spot where we hang out. He usually waits for me till my shift ends and we go to the boulevard together, I wonder why he isn't going with me now, but i let that pass my mind. At the end of my shift I passed by a gift shop and got him a wrist watch. I know something's up but i promise to myself to be with him no matter what.

I arrived at the place and there he was, sitting at the bench, waiting.... his sad face still obvious behind his blank smile. I ask him how he was, but he did not answer. To my amazement, he was crying. The act of him crying is not what amazed me but his tears.... It's glowing, bright blue liquid flows from his now dark, bottomless pit-like eyes. Then he said,

"I..... I am here to take you, take you away."

At first i got confused, and then i figured out what he wants to tell me.

"Of course I'll go with you, I love you Haider."

More blue translucent tears flows from his eyes.

"No, you don't understand, you have to go.... away from here... to the other side."

I did not understand him so I just did what I think is best, I hugged him. Hugged him like I'm not letting him go. We both cried a lot that night. Then he rose and said,

"I'll explain to you everything, I don't usually do this but you're different."

Don't usually do this? Does this mean he had many girls before me? This question was answered immediately, and the answer horrified me.

"I am what you mortals call DEATH, but i have many names. There are many of us, and just like the mortals, we have feelings too. We feel the happiness, love and pain of every mortal soul we take, and after taking their souls we take on their name and appearance to roam the Earth once again in search for the next name on our list."

I didn't believe him at first, but what he said explains the blue translucent tears. He raised his hands asking for mine, I gave it to him and laid my hands on his.

"Close your eyes, and trust me, the pain you will feel won't last long. I don't want to see you in pain."

Then I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my heart, it was a heart attack. "So this is how I die..... of a heart attack, I knew I should have started jogging."

Now Haider roams the Earth using my name Mary Ann...... he did not take my identity but only my name and appearance.

So when you see someone who looks like someone you knew who died, try to ask him if he has the same name as the person you knew, and if he does then you know that person is DEATH.

When Angels Cry - HAIDERWhere stories live. Discover now