CHAPTER ONE (The time before time).

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Peter Grey laid there dying and there was nothing he could do. For a minute, he had been perfectly fine and then he had been hit by an oncoming vehicle .

The sounds of sirens rushing to the rescue filled the air. Passerby's stared in shock, hands over mouth ,bodies fixed in an unmoving stance just staring intently at the disaster before them.

Mobile police vehicles on the scene of the action quickly barricaded the entire neighborhood the incident had occurred. Police tape surrounding the close mass of bodies strewn all over.

Paramedics on the scene were trying to clear the wreckage of vehicles and rescue the victims who had been stuck between the mangled masses and slowly clinging for their lives and also watching as rescue workers tried to revive a man and his.... Wife?

Had he seen a ring on her hand?.... He wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure of anything .His mind was hazy.

It had gone into overdrive. He remembered driving slowly and happily whistling to himself about what was in store for him that evening.She finally said yes to his desire of a relationship before all hell broke loose...He had been hit..bam!
which left him in a fatal state of course. His mind spinning in various directions, unable to decipher a single thought.
Memories kept on flashing in his mind, time seemed so slow, his mind in a fog like haze.

He looked down at his body which was bent in an awkward position, legs bent apart from the other.
He glimpsed a paramedic pulling him out of the car of to an ambulance by the roadside.Not able to bear the pain much longer,he passes out.He was rushed to a near by hospital emergency unit where doctors and nurses worked hard to help victims and control the situation.

The emergency attendants filled ward two of the emergency unit. Nurses, Medical echs, an Anesthesiologist and several residents with
a couple of medical students were thrown in just to help out.
All struggling to save a man's life ...his life! The life which would become his living hell seconds to now.

A respirator tech was squeezing a breathing bag to ventilate him through his tracheal tube .There were cables connecting the EKG leads on his chest to the monitor . Viewed this way, he looked nothing short of a lifeless body by any definition. If only he could, he would have fought for his life.

His body hardly responded to the commands of his mind, survival instincts had set place,signals were being sent to his
heart to keep beating but it was too weak to do so, panic slowly set in , finally his body had given up. Just his mind kept
pushing on rying to hold on to any life left in him.

The room was suddenly silent but for the beeping of the monitor, the attendants all struggling to save his life
just fixed their eyes on the monitor. His blood pressure slowly deteriorating down to 47..... 42.... 40 seconds after the pressure
hit 40, peter grey flat lined. It was all over.

The resident on duty wrote down the time of death 23:11 pm.
Cause of death:internal bleeding due to fatal hit to the lower abdomen.
A sudden calmness enveloped him. He had plunged into the depths of a
dark abyss and he thought of one word while he fell into a void.... Death.
It had come and there was nothing he could do.

Thanks to Valerie839 for the lovely work on this chapter .please follow and like her work.she edited this chapter.
Please don't forget to vote👉 .

And below👇 is a video of my stage performances  with a music group I am part of : Youngstarios hope you 💜it.


Lots of love💟

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