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Souls are not meant to wander here. This place technically does not exist.
"You're familiar with the Christian concept of after life, yes?", she asked.

"Yes i am familar with the idea martha,peter spoke up. "
"The existence of a heaven and hell, he continued."

"Well those are not the only realms that are meant to exist, this place,this realm is a world in between heaven and hell, Martha said.

"It is not controlled by any force. Unlike how heaven is in God's domain and hell is managed by the devil."h

"How do you know all this? Seems like you have been here for ages ,Peter asked."

She smiled at him.
"Well like I said earlier, time doesn't exist here, you will find out for
yourself later if you survive."

"I arrived here before you showed up. The exact time, I know not.
I had lots of moments to contemplate, taking the view and experience some unsettling things.Since then I have gone to certain conclusions, she paused for emphasis. "

"One:This place was created for souls who where not fit enough to either
go to heaven or hell."
"Two: It was created out of imagination ."
"Three: We are sent here to be punished for a sin committed, then sent either to the two realms or sent back to earth to as a second chance."
"Four: We are not the only ones here, justthe ones sane enough to realise that."


This last word struck home than all the rest.' 'They were not the only ones here in this place and all because of some stupid sin!'

'Why do I always end up on the receiving end? he thought to himself.'

"I know exactly what you saying to yourself."
" You trying to figure out what you might have done that got you stuck up in this place."
" I advise you not to let it weigh in on you.
You still have lots of trials ahead, Martha explained."
" As for myself i knew that i was not
going to end up someplace nice , i accepted and moved on , Martha said."

"You said you where going to tell me how you got in here martha, Peter asked."

Martha stared at Peter for what seemed like seconds before she finally spoke up.

"I had a certain boyfriend named Sam.
He was really nothing to write home
about, always drunk, smelled like a swine.
I loved him to an extent and was ready to work things out if he had turned
a new leaf but Sam wanted nothing at all to do with that.
Coming home one day to meet him in his usual drunk state , i was so feed
up that I had not kept something to eat for him and so he was really mad
and for the first time since we started dating... He he he.. Hit me continuously. "

" I kept screaming that he should get off me, that I  sorry but he seemed
to enjoy it. Squirming from his grip, i got up and ran into the kitchen.
He followed me immediately and kept shouting untop of his voice that he
was going to kill me. I had to protect my self, i had no choice what so
ever and so i picked up a pestle in my hands and as he came through the
door i swung hard.
I kept hitting him on the head till what was left, was just a disfigured
mush. The rage had suddenly weared of and iwas left alone with my dead boy
friend and in tears."

"How does that have to do with you coming here? Peter asked."

Martha continued .
"You don't understand,i hardly slept any more since that day. I had to run
from the house. I didn't have the conviction to call 911. I didn't know how
to explain.
He understood well all she had gone through. He had meet her type a lot of
times as a lawyer and he knew what love could do.
You should have called the police and gotten a good lawyer. You have to
explain to the police every incident that happened before and after the
attack, Martha.
My mind hardly went towards direction of thought . I have been on the run
ever since. Hardly sleeping because his ghost always hunted me in my

"So this faithful day i was unlucky to have been driving, sleep deprived
and i ran into a blue vehicle at an intersection and I can't remember the
rest. Till i found myself here.
Peter froze."

His mind suddenly putting two together. A blue car,an intercession, a crazy driver.
God she was the young lady who had gotten him hit by her car. He sould have
been hail and haughty this moment ,so much Alive! All because of a certain
stupid man.

Peter looked like he had been hit by a trailer.
"You were in the car that hit me? Peter asked"

"I know and I am really very sorry for cutting your life short,she said."
"I knew it was you i hit when I saw you by the river side. It was no coincidence .I knew deep down that no one was going to survive, and it was no coincidence you got here almost the same time I did. I am sorry if i messed up your life i am really sorry. I wish you could get a second chance to live again."

Looking up at her he felt sorry for her because she seemed all alone and

"We will survive this hell hole and go home, Peter promised."

Super edited Valerie839.

*Thank **you all for comments and follows I am grateful, I never envisioned**getting such a response and also to my silent readers thank
you all too.

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