LOST (Phobos and Deimos )

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Martha stepped forward, beyond the plane, and peter followed closely. The rocky hillside cast long shadows. The darkness  around made the shadows swing and stretch, creating the illusion that the rocks were in motion.
As they passed the first few rocks peter glanced back at martha, waiting in the shadows.
“Can you feel the difference?” Martha whispered.

“I’m scared, if that’s what you mean,”Peter whispered softly.
Martha stopped walking.

“More than that. Even if you didn’t know to be scared, you would be ,this just doesn't feel good."
There’s an unshakable sense of foreboding in the atmosphere.”
Peter had goose bumps on his arms. “You’re sort of freaking me out, he said.“I just want you to be aware of it,” Peter whispered.

“It may get worse."
"It seems like you judges await you .”

Peter was not sure whether it was simply the power of suggestion, but as they resumed walking he felt fear boiling inside of him.
Martha stepped back and stopped.
"Your judgement has just begun,"Martha whispered .       

 The fear hit Peter like a physical blow, making his knees buckle.  he collapsed to the ground, keeping his hand over his heard instantly reminded of what she had told him.

The terror was an irrational, overpowering force that instantly stripped away all defenses. He struggled to rise and to keep his hand up.
He  had made it to his knees and was trying to lift a leg when a second wave of fear washed over him, more powerful than the first.
PHOBOS AND DEIMOS moved closer to him.

A new emotion overwhelmed him terror, evaporating into the chilly air.

Vaguely, distantly, peter was aware that Martha was shouting, asking him to remember all she had thought him. He had to remember a memory ,something strong enough to repel the darkness.

The fear intensified steadily, relentlessly.peter crumpled. He was on his back.  His whole body was paralyzed. He tried to call out to martha.
His lip twitched.

No sound came out.

On his back in the dark, Peter tied to get accustomed to the fear. If he could get used to it, maybe he could resist it. The feeling most reminded him of the sensation you experience when somebody startles you and makes you jump—a burst of instinctive, irrational terror and panic.

Except this feeling was sustained. Instead of coming in a jolt and quickly subsiding into rational relief, the startled feeling not only lingered but intensified. Peter found it tough to think, let alone move, and so he lay frozen, overwhelmed, inwardly struggling, sensing something drawing inexorably closer. 

This was the real thing. Fear that could kill.
“Peter, ” a strained voice said urgently.
“Try to remember,"Marta whispered from afar.

Unable to turn his head, Peter shifted his eyes. Martha seemed distant and far.

Having something to focus on besides the fear helped.
"look,"he heard Martha say.
looking straight he caught glimpse of two goat looking like substance with human heads, and dark menacing eyes that struck out the darkness.

 They were still about 40feet away but he knew and felt their laughter,and look of hunger in there eyes.

Teeth clenched, Peter fought against what felt like tremendous gravity to take a step to the side. Mustering all his strength, he kicked one of the demons in the back of the knee . One of them had gotten closer to him with his knowing.The knee buckled and the Satyr fell while the other screeched from a distant.

The satyr glared up at him. Peter could not move. His arms trembled. The final spark of confidence was dying. Peter could feel the deluge of irrational fear waiting to overwhelm him.

In a moment it would. The demon held up, both hands moving slowly but purposefully toward Peter neck.peter thought about all the people that loved him back in the world of the living.

Martha had sacrificed for him. He could do this. He just had to remember a lovely experience . It didn’t have to be a distant one. He just had to remember..

Moving slowly both demons "Phobos and deimos" moved for the kill. Suddenly remembering a moment from his childhood ,he became so bright and felt a new emotion in him "Courage".

He kept on remembering all his wonderful experience as a kid, girls he remembered  his sisters"chineye and chisom".
Beautiful playful sisters and his mom.

Suddenly he was covered by a bright light and he could hear the screams of both demons and there quick retreat ,far away from him.

He suddenly felt so tired and weak. More memories kept on flowing. Suddenly he felt like he was about to drown in his thought, the air was no longer solid, he was falling, and everything went dark.

10years ago
Peter Peter Peter! He could hear mama shouting his name.
laying down on his bed he tried hard to ignore the shouts, she always enjoyed waking him up in this fashion every Saturday morning, well this time he wasn't getting out of bed.

Running and stomping soon filled the house, he could hear the voices of his little sisters, chineye and chisom. They both rushed into his room with so much energy that he was startled to have been caught wake. "Peter" ,chineye spoke as she was panting heavily " happy birthday bro"  giggling she slapped chisom on the arm,'I beat you to it 'said chineye.

Chisom looking angry ,walked over to the bed side and whispered in my ears 'chineye didn't remember it was your birthday, mummy reminded her'.

Staring at the both of them astonished, I was happy how much my sisters really loved me , 'thank you so much Chi Chi I love you both'. They both virtually dragged him off his bed, pulling at his pajamas and singing happy birthday aloud. Holding unto chineye and chisom, he thrust them playfully on the bed.

Tickling and screaming aloud,they soon became entangled in play. Standing by the door mama beheld him with a lovely smile on her face.


Peter wake up! Peter wake up! Martha said. Peter could hear a distant voice calling him back from his trance. He focused on were the sound originated from and suddenly,
Peter eyes opened as he gasped for air. Martha! He said weakly.

You succeeded,” Martha said.
“You’re covered in very bright light that you scared the darkness away."
"I thought I had lost you.you seemed so distant."
Sitting up, Peter gradual accessed his surroundings.He couldn't find Phobos and Deimos any where around,he had really won the fight. He remembered vividly the faces of his sisters and his mother, he would never forget them in his life.

So much happiness ,so much joy, all the lovely moment they all had together even after the death of his father, his mum had always been their for them. He closed his eyes and made a promise to himself that he would get out of this hell hole and spend every moment of his life with Them.

Groaning Peter stood up and hugged Martha both hands passed through her laughing to himself for forgetting that she wasn't physical. 'Thank you' he said I wouldn't have faced this with out you helping me 'I always be in your debt'.

Sorry for the long wait, first year has been very stressful and I lacked the inspiration to write. But all the same am back.🙌🙌🙌
Thank you all for the patient wait this past months.
Two more chapters to the end of this short story👏👏👏👏really grateful for the 😍. Next chapter will be out very soon.
Lots of love💏

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