Positive Thinking : Part 2

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To his dismay, he found that the view was not as vibrant as he'd been told; in fact, the window faced a blank wall.

Upset, the man called for the nurse and explained the situation.

"Why would he lie to me?" he questioned the nurse.

After thinking for a moment, the nurse looked at him and said:

"Maybe he just wanted to encourage you."

This should be a lesson to all of us that no matter our situation, we can do tremendous good for those around us by looking on the bright side of every situation.

Even when we're faced with what seems like an impenetrable brick wall, we can bring so much happiness and joy to those around us if we find positive ways of looking at the world.

The man in the story could just as easily have described the bland, brick wall that stood outside the window but instead of simply passing along his misery and grief, he shared whatever happiness he did have, doubling it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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